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Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority, DBA Tri Delta Transit

801 Wilbur Ave, Antioch, CA 94509-7500
(925) 754-6622

ECCTA was formed in 1976 as a JPA consisting of the cities of Antioch, Brentwood, Pittsburg and the county of Contra Costa. Oakley incorporated as a city and joined the JPA in 1999. ECCTA provides over 1,000,000 trips each year to a population of nearly 330,000 residents in the 225 square miles of eastern Contra Costa County.

Standard Documents

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Upcoming Solicitations

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0 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
State Advocacy Services - ECCTA RFP 2025-02
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting proposals from qualified firms to provide state advocacy support services in regulatory, legislative, operations, and funding issues of interest to ECCTA.
03/20/2025 09:00 PM UTC
RFQ 2025-01: Design-Build Hydrogen Fuel Consultant
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is requesting statements of qualifications (SOQs) from firms interested in providing design-build services to assist ECCTA with the design and installation of a hydrogen fueling station for use by buses powered with hydrogen fuel-cells, to be located at ECCTA’s facility in the City of Antioch, California.
03/07/2025 08:00 PM UTC
Micro-transit Software and Support Services, RFP #2024-04
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting proposals from qualified firms to provide and support micro-transit software as a service within ECCTA’s service area.
01/06/2025 11:00 PM UTC
Bus Shelter Installation - IFB 2024-03
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting sealed bids for site improvements along with installation of bus shelters with amenities for three bus stops located at the Los Medanos College campus.
09/20/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Bus Shelter Installation - IFB 2024-02
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting sealed bids for site improvements along with installation of bus shelters with amenities for two bus stops located at the Los Medanos College campus.
08/08/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Bus Advertising Services - RFP 2024-01
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting proposals from qualified firms for the use of external advertising space on ECCTA's fixed route and paratransit buses.
06/26/2024 09:00 PM UTC
RFP 2023-04
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (ECCTA), a Joint Powers Agency (JPA) located in eastern Contra Costa County, California, is accepting proposals from qualified firms to perform a comprehensive operational analysis of ECCTA’s mobility services and redesign of its system. This is ECCTA's first attempt at e-procurement and we appreciate proposer's patience with the process. We encourage prompt notification of issues or problems. Hard copy submissions are also accepted.
01/08/2024 11:00 PM UTC
7 Solicitations