General Info

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San Joaquin County Department of Public Works

1810 East Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA 95205
(209) 468-3000

The overall mission of the San Joaquin County Department of Public Works is to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain the County infrastructure, which includes public roads, transportation systems, bridges, water, wastewater, channel maintenance and solid waste disposal systems of the County, in order to best serve the interests of the people. These systems are maintained to protect the health and welfare of the public and the County’s financial investments. Public Works also provides vehicle support for the County, including procurement support, heavy and light vehicle maintenance and repair, and daily rental services.

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (County) is seeking qualified consultants to provide appraisal services, review appraisal services, and real property acquisition services beginning July 1, 2025. Consultants may submit the qualifications required to provide for any or all of the requested services. The selected Consultants will assist the County in providing services for various road and bridge projects, including state and federally funded projects. Knowledge and experience with the local concerns and market conditions is a key qualification. Supported state and federally funded projects include, but are not limited to: • road and street widening and realignments, • bridge rehabilitations and replacements, and • intersection signalization. Supported activities include, but are not limited to: • acquisition of easements and/or fee simple interests for project construction, • disposal of surplus property. The selected Consultants will be requested to enter into an Independent Contractor Agreement (Exhibit A) with County, as well as provide an acceptable Certificate of General Liability Insurance naming San Joaquin County, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers as additional insured. It is anticipated that there will be several project assignments per fiscal year. County will issue a Purchase Order for each selected Consultant for the assignment of multiple projects. The maximum Purchase Order for any Consultant may not exceed $200,000 per fiscal year for all assigned projects. The Independent Contractor Agreement will be in force for two fiscal years ending June 30, 2027, and may be renewed upon mutual agreement for an additional year ending June 30, 2028.
03/31/2025 07:00 PM UTC
Benjamin Holt Drive Water Main Replacement Project
The work is located within the Lincoln Village Maintenance District in Stockton, CA on Benjamin Holt Drive between Pershing Avenue and Gettysburg Place. The work, in general consists of installing approximately 2,300 lineal feet of new water main along Benjamin Holt Drive and portions of Pershing Avenue, Vicksburg Place and Gettysburg Place with necessary valves, fire hydrants, and various appurtenances within the Lincoln Village Maintenance District. In addition, 37 water service laterals will be installed for future connection in a later phase Base Estimate Range between $1,052,145 and $1,227,502
04/03/2025 08:31 PM UTC
Chip Seal 2025
The work is located on various roads through San Joaquin County Supervisorial Districts 3, 4 and 5. The work, in general, consists of chip sealing approximately 31 miles of various roadways throughout the County and is part of a seven-year cyclical Chip Seal Program Base Estimate Range between $1,700,000 and $2,077,000
04/03/2025 08:31 PM UTC
Fiscal Year 2025-2026, Job Order Contracts JOC-28, JOC-29, and JOC-30
A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the Contractor may perform an ongoing series of individual Projects at different locations throughout San Joaquin County. The bid documents include a Construction Task Catalog® containing construction tasks with preset Unit Prices. All Unit Prices are based on local labor, material and equipment prices and are for the direct cost of construction.
04/10/2025 08:31 PM UTC
Ahern Road Improvements
The work is located southwest of the City of Tracy. The work, in general, consists of repairing, widening and resurfacing approximately 1.4 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,715,000 and $2,095,000
04/17/2025 08:31 PM UTC
North 99 Frontage Road West Resurfacing
The work is located South of the City of Lodi. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 2.54 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,255,000 and $1,550,000
04/17/2025 08:31 PM UTC
Construction of Module 7 at the North County Sanitary Landfill
The work is located at North County Sanitary Landfill (17720 E Harney Ln Lodi, Ca 95240). The work, in general, consists of : excavating and grading the base and side slopes for the new landfill expansion area, installing landfill liner system, installing leachate collection system, constructing access roads and drainage systems. Base Estimate Range between $12,300,000 and $13,500,000
04/17/2025 08:31 PM UTC
The San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency (SJAFCA) requests proposals from a prime contractor of a consultant team to undertake, perform, and complete tasks set forth in this Request for Proposal, SJAFCA-RFP-25-02 (RFP). SJAFCA is the administrator of this RFP. The selected consultant/consultant team (CONSULTANT) shall be contracted by SJAFCA to perform professional consulting services (SERVICES) related to construction management for the Mossdale Urban Flood Risk Reduction Project (Project). Design of the Project will be completed under a separate RFP. The prime contractor or any member of its consultant team cannot provide both design/permitting and construction management services for this Project. The separately selected design team will provide engineering during construction services through a separate contract. The CONSULTANT is required to provide all labor, equipment, tools, and facilities necessary for completion of its SERVICES for the Project and has the option of using sub-consultants to accomplish this. SJAFCA seeks to encourage local economic development and enhance regional technical expertise. Throughout this proposal, the CONSULTANT is strongly encouraged to describe how their team can contribute to this initiative. Examples of supporting local economic development and regional technical expertise include but is not limited to: • Including local consultants that have a physical office within San Joaquin County. • Including national consultants that have (or plan to open) a physical office within San Joaquin County. • Participation in academic, non-profit, or other organizations that support the establishment of small businesses and/or economic development in San Joaquin County. • Participation in academic, non-profit, or other educational programs that support student interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) career paths.
04/28/2025 10:00 PM UTC
8 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified consulting Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) firms to undertake, perform, and complete tasks set forth in the Request for Proposals (SJCDPW-RFP-25-01). In general, the work consists of providing construction administration and project inspection services for the construction of Area 7 at the North County Sanitary Landfill (PROJECT). SJCDPW will request the selected CQA FIRM to enter into a consultant services agreement with San Joaquin County as set forth in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The selected CQA FIRM shall observe, verify and document the PROJECT’s construction activities sufficient for acceptance by the RWQCB (Sacramento office). Estimated CONSULTANT FIRM Service Dates North County Landfill Area 7 (dates are approximate) Materials testing August 1, 2025 to December 1, 2025 Work on site August 1, 2025 to December 1, 2025 Work on-site finished (120 working days) The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 17, 2025. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-25-01 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-25-01 in order to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum and information about the pre-proposal meeting. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. For general questions regarding the solicitation, please contact Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at the telephone number (209) 953-7452 or email: .
03/17/2025 11:00 PM UTC
Mountain House Parkway Traffic Signal Synchronization Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5929(315)
The work is located at several intersections along Mountain House Parkway including the Town Hall in Mountain House, California. The work, in general, consists of installation of wireless radio system, fiber optic cables, and the traffic control system for Mountain House Parkway. The DBE Contract goal is 14 percent Base Estimate Range Between $196,000 and $240,000
03/13/2025 08:31 PM UTC
Pock Lane Improvements
The work is located in South Stockton. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 1 mile of roadway with asphalt concrete and placing approximately 3,650 LF of concrete walkway. Base Estimate Range between $1,025,700 and $1,266,800
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Flood Road Resurfacing
The work is located east of Linden. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 3.0 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,135,000 and $1,398,000
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Slurry Seal Local Roads 2025
The work is located in various locations throughout the County. The work, in general, consists of repairing and applying a slurry seal to approximately 30 miles of existing urban roadways. Base Estimate Range between $1,300,000 and $1,590,000
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests Statement of Qualifications from qualified and innovative Consultants to provide consulting engineering services for the full engineering design services for the Statewide Flood Emergency Response Grant Round 3 (Project). The selected Consultant (Consultant) will be requested to enter into a Consultant Services Agreement with the San Joaquin County as set forth in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ).The Consultant shall be required to provide all labor, equipment, tools, and facilities necessary for the completion of the Project. Expected Duration of the PROJECT: October 31, 2026 The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2025. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFQ-25-01 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-25-01 in order to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum and information about the pre-proposal meeting. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. For general questions regarding the solicitation, please contact Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at the telephone number (209) 953-7452 or email: .
02/11/2025 12:00 AM UTC
Brandt Road and Johnson Road Resurfacing
The work is located East of Lockeford and South of State Route 88. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 2.5 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,056,000 and $1,162,000
02/06/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Carter Road Resurfacing
The work is located north of the City of Escalon and west of the Stanislaus County Line. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 4.0 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,500,000 and $1,900,000
02/06/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Eleventh Street Resurfacing
The work is located adjacent to the City of Tracy. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 0.44 mile of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $690,000 and $845,000
02/06/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Colonial Heights and Lincoln Village Water Main Replacement Project Phase 1A
The work is located within the Colonial Heights Maintenance District and Lincoln Village Maintenance District in Stockton, CA. The work, in general, consists of installing approximately 11,500 feet of new water mains along with necessary valves, fire hydrants, and various appurtenances within the Colonial Heights and Lincoln Village Maintenance Districts. In addition, water service laterals and connections will be relocated to the front of the properties. Existing water mains and services in residential backyards will be abandoned. Base Estimate Range between $4,750,271 and $5,867,982
01/09/2025 09:31 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 227 Solicitations
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