General Info

Business Logo

Lapeer County Road Commission

820 Davis Lake Rd, Lapeer, MI 48446-7765
(810) 664-6272

Our goal is to serve Lapeer County by maintaining all county roads, bridges, and culverts within our jurisdiction to provide convenience and safety for the public. 

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Shaw Road Capacity Enhancement
0.50 Miles of HMA Base Crushing and Shaping, Drainage Improvements, Aggregate Shoulder, Turn Lane Additions, and Markings. 1.50 Miles of HMA Cold Milling and Resurfacing, Guardrail Replacement, Aggregate Shoulder, and Markings.
04/04/2025 03:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
(13) Roadside Mowing
Roadside Mowing - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
(14) Tree and Brush Removal
Tree & Brush Removal - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
(15) Bituminous Seal Patch
Bituminous Seal Patch - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
(19) Guardrail
Guardrail - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
(21) Traffic Signal Service and Maintenance
Traffic Signal - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
(20) Contracted Services
Contracted Services - Annual Bid
01/03/2020 06:00 PM UTC
Concrete Box Culvert
LAKE PLEASANT ROAD CULVERT OVER NEGUS DRAIN & BINDEN ROAD CULVERT OVER CABLE DRAIN The Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment required for removal of existing structures, installation of concrete box culvert, backfill, embankment, earth excavation, aggregate surface cse, restoration, and related work as specified in Contract Documents.
11/08/2019 07:00 PM UTC
Gravel Processing
Production of aggregate at various locations (pits) in Lapeer County.
08/29/2019 05:00 PM UTC
Various Lapeer County HMA Paving Projects
The Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment required for, ditching, culvert replacements, installation of concrete box culvert, HMA base crushing and shaping, stabilized base, HMA paving, aggregate shoulders, turf establishment and related work as specified in Contract Documents.
05/17/2019 09:00 PM UTC
Various Lapeer County HMA Paving Projects
The Work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment required for HMA base crushing and shaping, stabilized base, HMA paving, aggregate shoulders, turf establishment and related work as specified in Contract Documents at various locations in Lapeer County, Michigan.
04/19/2019 03:00 PM UTC
171 - 180 of 186 Solicitations
1 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 18