General Info

Business Logo

Avon Lake Regional Water

201 Miller Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
(440) 933-6226

Avon Lake Regional Water is a progressive water and wastewater utility in Avon Lake, Ohio. Our mission is to provide the region with quality water services. We provide water services to over 200,000 residents living in the seven-county area surrounding Avon Lake and sanitary sewer services to about 30,000 residents living in Avon Lake and parts of Lorain County. Strategically located on the shores of Lake Erie, Avon Lake Regional Water is able to supply the area’s growing need for high quality drinking water. Governed by an independent body elected by the residents of Avon Lake, the Avon Lake Board of Municipal Utilities establishes policy and oversees the organization’s operations.

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Standard Documents

Name * Description
Standard Supplementary Specification Documents (19.1 MB)
Standard Supplementary Specification Documents
Covenants & Conditions of Contract (96 KB)
Covenants & Conditions of Contract
2 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Avon Lake Regional Water's bid for the 2025 Water Bundle Project. Provide for all the equipment, material, labor, tools, maintenance of traffic, mobilization, and transportation for the layout, complete installation, replacement, and site restoration for external meter vault installations, water mains and service connections, and all appurtenances, with all related work as specified and shown on the Drawings and in these Specifications.
04/16/2025 04:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Avon Lake Regional Water's Annual Distribution Supplies Bid for 2025. This bidding period is from January 1, 2025 through and including December 31, 2025.
11/27/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water's first Bi-Annual Chemical Supplies Bid for 2025. This bidding period is from January 1, 2025 through and including June 30, 2025.
11/21/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water's Second Bi-Annual Distribution Supplies Bid for 2024. This bidding period is from July 1, 2024 through and including December 31, 2024.
05/17/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water's Second Bi-Annual Chemical Supplies Bid for 2024. This bidding period is from July 1st, 2024 through and including December 31st, 2024.
05/17/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Water System Comprehensive Master Plan RFQ
Avon Lake Regional Water invites qualified professional consulting and design firms to submit qualifications to undertake a comprehensive study of the water filtration plant (WFP) and the water distribution system with the overall objective of identifying needs, best available technologies (BAT), production projections for the next 20 years, and future expansion options. The work will involve in-depth knowledge of complex water treatment and water distribution systems. Qualification packages are due no later than 12:00 pm (EST) on February 13, 2024.
02/13/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water & Lorain County Rural Wastewater District's bid for the replacement of forty-two (42) deteriorated sanitary manholes. The replacement manholes will be Owner-supplied, procured under a separate contract (WC-LORCO-2024-01). Provide all equipment, labor, tools, by-pass pumping, maintenance of traffic, and material to replace forty-two (42) failing precast concrete sanitary manholes in an active sanitary sewer (gravity and force main) system, including all hardware and appurtenances, at the individual project sites in the right-of-way.
02/01/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water & Lorain County Rural Wastewater District's material only bid for the replacement of forty-two (42) deteriorated sanitary manholes. The replacement manholes shall be made with Type V Portland Cement with special additives.
01/19/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water's improvements project for the Water Filtration Plant (WFP). This project included the expansion of the filters, addition of chemicals, and process & control improvements. Additionally, there are alternate (additive/optional) bid items for further demolition of abandoned buildings & facilities, security fencing & automatic gates, generator synchronization, water tower demolition, exterior concrete coating rehabilitation, plant process piping, and other work. This is a Federal/State funded project, subject to AIS/BABA/WIFIA requirements.
01/10/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water & The City of Avon's joint project to install a 12-inch water main along Miller Road, under existing railroad tracks by horizontal bore. This project will include existing water main abandonment and coordination with the railroad and various utility companies.
01/03/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Avon Lake Regional Water & Lorain County Rural Wastewater District's material only bid for the emergency replacement of three wastewater chopper pumps at the LORCO Four-Plex lift station.
11/22/2023 05:00 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 38 Solicitations
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