Wright State University - Design and Construction
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001
(937) 775-4444
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001
(937) 775-4444
Name * | Description | |
Number | Deadline |
WSU- 241191 CHEH Millett Hall Renovations
WSU-241191 Wright State University CHEH Millett Hall Renovations
Wright State University Dayton, OH 45435, Greene County
Bids Due: 3:00 p.m. local time, March 25, 2025; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost General Contract $150,000
Pre-bid Meeting: March 13, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, Wright State University, Medical Sciences Building, Room 115.
Park in Lot 2 Visitor Parking.
Bid Documents: Electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info: A/E contact: LWC Incorporated, 937-223-6500, David Weinberg, dweinberg@lwcinspires.com
Owner contact: Josh King, Phone: 937-775-5268, E-mail: joshua.king@wright.edu
| 03/25/2025 07:00 PM UTC |
WSU-250070 COLA Dean Suite Allyn Hall
WSU-250070 COLA Dean Suite Allyn Hall
Wright State University Dayton, OH 45435, Greene County
Bids Due: 3:00 p.m. local time, April 1, 2025; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost General Contract $300,000
Pre-bid Meeting: March 20, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, Wright State University, Medical Sciences Building, Room 115.
Park in Lot 2 Visitor Parking.
Bid Documents: Electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info: A/E contact: LWC Incorporated, 937-223-6500, David Weinberg, dweinberg@lwcinspires.com
Owner contact: Josh King, Phone: 937-775-5268, E-mail: joshua.king@wright.edu
| 04/01/2025 07:00 PM UTC |
Number | Deadline |
WSU- 241182 Allyn Hall Hangar Beautification
Allyn Hall Hangar Beautification: Renovation of existing interior and exterior spaces at Allyn Hall on Wright State University's Dayton Campus. Exterior work includes removal of existing water features and plaza. Construction of new site walls, hardscape, landscape, lighting and new water features. Interior work includes renovation of the existing Hangar Dining Room with new finishes, lighting and new electrical and technology closets.
Bids Due: 3:00 p.m. local time, February 25, 2025; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
General Contract: $ 2,498,864
Pre-bid Meeting: February 14, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, Wright State University, Medical Sciences Building, Room 115. Park in Lot 2 Visitor Parking.
Bid Documents: Electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info:
A/E contact: MSA Design c/o Joseph Schmidt,
Phone: 317.410.5500, E-mail: jschmidt@msaarch.com
Owner contact: Josh King,
Phone: 937-775-5268, E-mail: joshua.king@wright.edu
| 02/25/2025 08:00 PM UTC |
WSU25-0066 Dunbar Library Cooling Tower Replacement
WSU Dunbar Library Cooling Tower Replacement
| 10/09/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU25-0056 Nutter Center Fire Pump Replacement
WSU Nutter Center Fire Pump Replacement
| 10/09/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU 211086 Natural Gas Line Replacement
Bids Due: 2:00 p.m. local time, August 14, 2024; through the State’s electronic bidding system at
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
General Contract $3,750,000
Alternate S01 – Additional Conc. at Rike $25,000
Alternate S02 - Additional Conc. at Med. Sciences $35,000
Alternate S03 - Additional Conc. at Student Union $25,000
Alternate S04 - Additional Conc. at Tom Hanks $15,000
Total General Contract and Alternates $3,850,000
And any proper combination submitted on electronic Bid Form
Pre-bid Meeting: July 23, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, Wright
State University, Medical Sciences Building, Room 115. Park in Lot 2 Visitor Parking.
Bid Documents: Electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info: A/E contact: Ted Hager, Phone: 614-839-4639, Fax: 614-839-2222 E-mail:
Owner contact: Josh King, Phone: 937-775-4140, E-mail: joshua.king@wright.edu
| 08/14/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU-241184 Career Center
WSU-241184 Wright State University Career Center at Wright State University located at 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435. All interested Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid meeting on June 19, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Meeting location: Medical Sciences Building RM 115. Park in Lot 2 (visitors’ lot). Bids will be due on July 3, 2024 no later than 2:00 p.m. This project is estimated at a cost of $1,600,000 for General Base Bid. The Project Documents may be downloaded as PDF files from the State’s electronic bidding service at https://bidexpress.com at no charge, registration is required. Submit Bids through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com for the following: WSU-241184 Wright State University Career Center, in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by Emersion Design, 310 culvert st., suite 100 Cincinnati Ohio 45202, Contact: Andy Plogsted, andy.plogsted@emersiondesign.com. Bidders may submit requests for consideration of a proposed substitution for a specified product, equipment, or service to the Architect/Engineer (“A/E”) no later than 10 days prior to the bid opening. Prevailing Wage rates and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are applicable to this Project. The EDGE Participation Goal for the Project is 5.0 percent. Bid tabulations will be posted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day Bids are opened.
| 07/03/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU-231162 Russ Engineering Facade Improvements
WSU-231162 Wright State University Russ Engineering Building Façade Improvement Project for Wright State University located at 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435. All interested Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid meeting on June 4, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Meeting location: Russ Engineering RM 405L. Park in Lot 2 (visitors’ lot). Bids will be due on June 19, 2024 no later than 3:00 p.m. This project is estimated at a cost of $500,000.00 for General Base Bid. The Project Documents may be downloaded as PDF files from the State’s electronic bidding service at https://bidexpress.com at no charge, registration is required. Submit Bids through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com for the following: WSU-231162 Wright State University Russ Engineering Façade Improvements Project, in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by KZF Design, Inc., located at 700 Broadway Street, Cincinnati Ohio 45202. Phone: (513) 621-6211. Contact: Mark Jones at mark.jones@kzf.com. Bidders may submit requests for consideration of a proposed substitution for a specified product, equipment, or service to the Architect/Engineer (“A/E”) no later than 10 days prior to the bid opening. Prevailing Wage rates and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are applicable to this Project. The EDGE Participation Goal for the Project is 5.0 percent. Bid tabulations will be posted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day Bids are opened.
| 06/18/2024 07:30 PM UTC |
WSU-211087 Wright State University Parking Lot Paving
WSU-211087 Wright State University Parking Lot Paving at Wright State University located at 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435. All interested Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid meeting on April 26, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting location: Medical Sciences Building RM 115. Park in Lot 2 (visitors’ lot). Bids will be due on May 8, 2024 no later than 2:00 p.m. This project is estimated at a cost of $646,170 for General Base Bid. The Project Documents may be downloaded as PDF files from the State’s electronic bidding service at https://bidexpress.com at no charge, registration is required. Submit Bids through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com for the following: WSU-211087 Wright State University Parking Lot Paving, in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by LJB Engineering, Phone: (937) 259-5001, Contact: Peter Battaglia, email:pbattaglia@ljbinc.com. Bidders may submit requests for consideration of a proposed substitution for a specified product, equipment, or service to the Architect/Engineer (“A/E”) no later than 10 days prior to the bid opening. Prevailing Wage rates and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are applicable to this Project. The EDGE Participation Goal for the Project is 5.0 percent. Bid tabulations will be posted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day Bids are opened.
| 05/08/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU-231162 McLin Gym Roof "H" Replacement
WSU-231162 Wright State University Nutter Center McLin Gym Roof “H” Replacement Project for Wright State University located at 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435. All interested Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid meeting on April 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Meeting location: 5736 Raider Rd. Fairborn, Ohio 45435 RM 330. Park in Lot 9 (McLin Gym Entrance). Bids will be due on April 23, 2024 no later than 3:00 p.m. This project is estimated at a cost of $400,000.00 for General Base Bid. The Project Documents may be downloaded as PDF files from the State’s electronic bidding service at https://bidexpress.com at no charge, registration is required. Submit Bids through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com for the following: WSU-231162 Wright State University Nutter Center McLin Gym “H” Roof Replacement Project, in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by Elevar Design Group, located at 555 Carr Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45203. Phone: (513) 721-0600. Contact: Dan Montgomery Dmontgomery@elevar.com . Bidders may submit requests for consideration of a proposed substitution for a specified product, equipment, or service to the Architect/Engineer (“A/E”) no later than 10 days prior to the bid opening. Prevailing Wage rates and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are applicable to this Project. The EDGE Participation Goal for the Project is 5.0 percent. Bid tabulations will be posted no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day Bids are opened.
| 04/23/2024 07:00 PM UTC |
WSU-211105 Wright State University CAC Acoustic Panel Replacement Phase II
CAC Acoustic Panel Replacement Phase II
Wright State University
Creative Arts Center, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435
Bids Due: 2:00 p.m. local time, April 23, 2024; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
General Contract $470,000.00
Pre-bid Meeting: April 12, 2024, 11:30 a.m., Room 115B Medical Sciences Building, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435.
Bid Documents: Available electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info: Bids for this project are being received and published through the electronic bidding service Bid Express. All questions and answers to be submitted via Bid Express. A/E contact: Bryan Greene, Champlin Architecture, Phone: (513) 969-1327, E-mail: bryan.greene@thinkchamplin.com
| 04/23/2024 06:00 PM UTC |
WSU-211084 - Rebid Student Union AHU-4 Replacement
Project No. WSU-211084 - Rebid
Student Union AHU-4 Replacement
Wright State University
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, Ohio 45435
Bids Due: 2:00 PM, November 20, 2023; through the State’s electronic bidding system at https://bidexpress.com
EDGE Participation Goal: 5%.
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
Base Bid Work $1,300,000.00
Bid Documents: Available electronically at https://bidexpress.com.
More Info: Bids for this project are being received and published through the electronic bidding service Bid Express. All questions shall be submitted to David Zelinski – dzelinski@nzengineering.com before 5PM on 11/14/2023. Contact: Josh King, Project Manager, Design & Construction, (937) 775-5268 or David Zelinski, Nauman & Zelinski LLC Engineer, (937)-223-3821.
| 11/20/2023 07:00 PM UTC |