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City of Marquette

1100 Wright Street, Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 225-8990

City of Marquette - Community Development Construction project bid solicitation portal

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
MQ25-101 - Street Improvements and Structure Cover Adjustments The work under this contract consists of crack sealing on various streets and structure cover adjustments as outlined in the plans.
03/20/2025 02:00 PM UTC
MQ50-315 - Peg Hirvonen Bandshell The work under this contract consists of demolition, site work, and construction of a new bandshell at Presque Isle Park in Marquette, MI.
03/20/2025 03:00 PM UTC
MQ13-504 – PIDP 2021 – City of Marquette – Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Improving Efficiency Project Coastal Resiliency Project
03/27/2025 02:00 PM UTC
MQ25-018 - Sidewalk Repair and Replacement + Third Street Coal Bunker Rehabilitation
03/27/2025 02:15 PM UTC
4 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
The City of Marquette is requesting proposals to perform water service line identification. The work is being completed to meet the Complete Distribution System Material Inventory (CDSMI) requirements of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act and is being funded through a grant by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The work will include contacting homeowners to request access to their homes and hydro-excavating to identify water service material types as well as concrete, asphalt, and landscaping restoration.
07/16/2024 08:00 PM UTC
MQ24-103 County Road 550 Bridge Preventive Maintenance The work under this contract consists of applying a penetrating epoxy healer/sealer system to a concrete bridge deck, hand chipping and patching concrete, and constructing abutment drainage conveyances.
06/06/2024 02:00 PM UTC
The work under this contract consists of earth excavation, tree clearing, pavement removal, curb removal, curb placement, concrete sidewalk ramp construction, subbase placement, aggregate base placement, HMA paving, gravel shoulder placement, pavement markings and turf restoration. Temporary traffic control devices will also be needed to complete this project.
04/16/2024 06:00 PM UTC
RFP 24-04 Qualified Environmental Professional - Cliffs-Dow EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant
The City of Marquette is requesting proposals from a Qualified Environmental Professional to facilitate groundwater remediation at the former Cliffs Dow property under a USEPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant.
03/14/2024 09:00 PM UTC
A. This project consists of the replacement of miscellaneous sanitary sewer laterals on various streets throughout the City, preparing the existing pavement and constructing HMA pavements, which includes cold-milling, pavement/ existing base and sub base removal, structure cover adjustment, curb work, HMA pavement and base placement, and overhand crack filling. Restoration of all disturbed lawn and grassy areas is included. B. This project also consists of the extension or approximately 314 ft of sanitary sewer main on Front Street and Crescent Street. The sewer extension will include, sewer lateral placement, rock excavation, earth excavation, pavement removal, concrete sidewalk removal, road re-building, HMA placement, concrete curb and sidewalk placement and turf restoration.
02/13/2024 04:00 PM UTC
The work under this contract consists of dredging sand material from Lake Superior near the mouth of the Dead River. The dredged material will be used to reroute the existing river channel, for beach nourishment between Pine Street and Fair Avenue, with the remainder being placed either within the Cliffs Dow Site, or an area southeast of the intersection of Lakeshore Boulevard and Wright Street.
02/01/2024 03:00 PM UTC
MQ22-101 Street Improvements and Bituminous Paving MQ22-303 Sanitary Lateral Replacements This project consists of the replacement of miscellaneous sanitary sewer laterals on various streets throughout the City, preparing the existing pavement and constructing HMA pavements, which includes cold-milling, pavement/existing base and subbase removal, structure cover adjustment, curb work, HMA pavement and base placement, and overband crack filling. Restoration of all disturbed lawn and grassy areas is included.
04/06/2023 03:00 PM UTC
MQ23-018 Sidewalk, Extension and Safety Improvements Project The work under this contract consists of work throughout the City of Marquette involving the replacement and repair of sidewalk as well as the construction of new sidewalk on the north side of Wright Street between Wilkinson Avenue and Van Evera Avenue*, and signage and striping at multiuse path crossings of Sugarloaf Avenue and Wright Street. *The proposed sidewalk new construction on Wright Street is subject to pending easements. The City reserves the right to remove this portion of the contract if easements are not obtained.
03/23/2023 03:00 PM UTC
MQ13-502 Lake Superior Shoreline Restoration Constructing a Living Revetment along the Lake Superior waterfront. Constructing habitat restoration in the uplands area comprising of wetlands, dune/swale and pocket beach. Installing trails and building a wetland boardwalk. Installation of outlet improvements for existing stormwater outfalls. Removing the former Lakeshore Boulevard and bike path. Project will include all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the contract.
05/05/2022 03:00 PM UTC
MQ22-101 - Street Improvements and Bituminous Paving MQ22-303 - Sanitary Lateral Replacements
04/28/2022 02:00 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 11 Solicitations
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