General Info

Business Logo

City of Charleston, WV

501 Virginia St E Suite 101, Charleston, WV 25301-2137
(304) 348-8014

Founded in 1788, the City of Charleston is West Virginia's capital and largest city. It has an area of approximately 33 square miles and a population of approximately 48,000. The City's General Fund Budget is appropriately $100,000,000 each year. 

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
2025-1 Traffic Engineering Truck
Summary: The City of Charleston desires to purchase a new 3/4 Ton 2x4 Regular Cab Truck with utility bed. No further equipment is being sought by the City of Charleston.
01/24/2025 03:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
2024-36 Mobile Device and Geo-Location Data Tracker
Summary: The City of Charleston is seeking bids for the purchase of a Mobile Device and Geo-Location Data Tracker. The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements.
08/29/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-37 Web Security Filter Gateway
Summary: The City of Charleston IS Department is seeking bids for the purchase of a Web Security Filter Gateway. The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements.
08/29/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-33 Automobiles Contract
Summary: The City of Charleston on behalf of its Fleet Department, is seeking bids for the purchase of Automobiles. This contract is designed to be open ended for automobile ordering for 1 (one) year. The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements. The completed vehicles should be turn-key, including all vendor provided equipment and materials, and fully operable at delivery per the bid specification. ***Each model of automobile bid must include a manufacturers specification sheet.***
08/29/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-34 Emergency Lights for CPD Admin Vehicles- Ford Fleet
Summary: The City of Charleston Police Department is seeking bids for the purchase of Lights, Light Bars, and Accessories- Sound Off Systems or Equal. The following should be an outline of service components and interoperability requirements.
08/27/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-32 City Service Center Build Out Project
The City of Charleston is seeking bids for rebuilding and renovations City Service Center build out project. an interior remodel of the City Service Center for combining the Planning and Building Department into the Office of Development Services, relocating the Parking Operations Center, and eliminating the Office of Public Art, all located at 915 Quarrier Street, East which are located on the ground floor of the south side of parking building number one. The work will include interior demolition and new construction. The details contained in the following specifications and drawings are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the City of Charleston. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Engineering office at 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
08/13/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-33 Automobiles Contract
Summary: The City of Charleston on behalf of its Fleet Department, is seeking bids for the purchase of Automobiles. This contract is designed to be open ended for automobile ordering for 1 (one) year. The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements. The completed vehicles should be turn-key, including all vendor provided equipment and materials, and fully operable at delivery per the bid specification. ***Each model of automobile bid must include a manufacturers specification sheet.***
08/06/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-29 Concrete Sidewalk and Accessible Ramp Project
The Concrete Sidewalk and Accessible Ramp Project shall consist of replacing or restoring existing concrete accessibility ramps and sidewalk throughout various locations of Charleston. All work shall be in compliance with the July 26, 2011, Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), Chapter R3: Technical Requirements. This work shall include the furnishing of all material, labor, tools, and equipment necessary to complete and protect all phases of the work performed as shown upon the attached details and in accordance with these specifications. The details contained in the following specifications are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the City of Charleston. Where brand names are used, the words "or equal" are assumed to follow. All specifications are minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. Any deviations from the stated specifications must be described in detail. The merit of such deviations will be considered with regard to the City of Charleston’s intended use. THIS IS A FEDERAL WAGE RATE PROJECT Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Engineering office at 114 Dickinson Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
07/03/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-30 F250- Utility Bed Crew Cab (or EQUAL)
Summary: The City of Charleston on behalf of the Fleet Department, is seeking bids for the purchase of a 2024 Ford F-250 crew cab 4x4 (or equal). The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements. The completed vehicles should be turn-key, including all vendor provided equipment and materials, and fully operable at delivery per the bid specification.
06/27/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024 Ford F-550 Regular Cab 4x4 (or equal)
Summary: The City of Charleston on behalf of the Fleet Departments, is seeking bids for the purchase of two (2) 2024 Ford F-550 reg cab 4x4 (or equal). The following should be an outline of service components and installation requirements. The completed vehicles should be turn-key, including all vendor provided equipment and materials, and fully operable at delivery per the bid specification.
06/27/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-28 City Council Chambers Audio Visual Project
Summary: The City of Charleston on behalf of the Information Systems Department is seeking qualified vendors to provide a City Council Conferencing System. The details contained in the following specifications are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the City of Charleston. While we have mentioned features and products found in Televic's Conferencing System, the words "or equal" are assumed to follow. The solution being provided in the bid must be interoperable with our current Live Streaming feed that provides streaming services for meetings held in both the Council Chambers and the 3rd floor A/V Room. All specifications are minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. Any deviations from the stated specifications must be described in detail. The merit of such deviations will be considered regarding the City of Charleston’s intended use.. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications while performing a walk-through will be held at Charleston City Hall, 501 Virginia St. E, Charleston WV, 25301 in City Council Chambers on Wednesday 5/29/24 at 9:30 a.m.
06/11/2024 02:00 PM UTC
11 - 20 of 97 Solicitations
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