General Info

Business Logo

City of Charleston, WV

501 Virginia St E Suite 101, Charleston, WV 25301-2137
(304) 348-8014

Founded in 1788, the City of Charleston is West Virginia's capital and largest city. It has an area of approximately 33 square miles and a population of approximately 48,000. The City's General Fund Budget is appropriately $100,000,000 each year. 

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
2025-1 Traffic Engineering Truck
Summary: The City of Charleston desires to purchase a new 3/4 Ton 2x4 Regular Cab Truck with utility bed. No further equipment is being sought by the City of Charleston.
01/24/2025 03:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
2024-17 Concrete Street Repair
Summary: The City of Charleston is seeking bids for a contract for the demolition of existing, damaged concrete pavement and the placement of new, reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement in various areas throughout the City. The contractor shall be responsible for removing the full depth of the concrete, preparing the subgrade, placing aggregate base and pouring Class K Concrete. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Engineering office at 114 Dickinson Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 14, 2024.
03/20/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-13 Aggregate Materials
These specifications are intended to describe the purchase of various classes, sizes and quantities of River Gravel and Limestone to meet the needs in conjunction with projects undertaken by the City of Charleston between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Prices quoted by the successful bidder shall remain in effect for the duration of the above stated time period ending June 30, 2025. The details contained in the following specifications are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the City of Charleston. Where brand names are used, the words "or equal" are assumed to follow. All specifications are minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. Any deviations from the stated specifications must be described in detail. The merit of such deviations will be considered with regard to the City of Charleston’s intended use.
03/19/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-14 Portland Cement
These specifications are intended to describe the purchase of Portland Cement Concrete on an as needed basis to meet the City of Charleston’s needs in conjunction with projects undertaken by the City between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Prices quoted by the successful bidder shall remain in effect for the duration of the above stated time period ending June 30, 2025. The details contained in the following specifications are not designed to exclude any manufacturer from bidding but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the City of Charleston. Where brand names are used, the words "or equal" are assumed to follow. All specifications are minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. Any deviations from the stated specifications must be described in detail. The merit of such deviations will be considered with regard to the City of Charleston’s intended use.
03/19/2024 02:00 PM UTC
2024-15 Cemetery Grounds Services
The City of Charleston is seeking bids for Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Engineering office at 1555 Farnsworth Drive Charleston WV, 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 07, 2024.
03/13/2024 02:00 PM UTC
EOI- USDOT Safe Streets and Roads for All
The City of Charleston is soliciting Expressions of Interest (“EOI” or “Proposals”) from qualified firms to provide provide a comprehensive safety action plan relating to assessment and development of cost estimates and cost benefit analysis of proposed alternatives to an ongoing roadway infrastructure mobility project.
03/05/2024 08:00 PM UTC
2024-09 Pile and Lagging Wall Project
Summary: The City of Charleston is seeking bids for The intent of this project is to correct several roadway embankment slips throughout the City of Charleston. The corrections will be made by means of drilled soldier pile retaining walls with concrete lagging installed in accordance with plans and specifications detailed in this document. The wall locations include but are not limited to Southpointe Drive, Woodbine Ave, and Staunton Road. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Engineering office at 114 Dickinson Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
03/05/2024 03:00 PM UTC
2024-07 Asbestos Removal
The City of Charleston is seeking bids for. 2024- asbestos removal services Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Building Commission office at 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 15, 2024.
02/29/2024 03:00 PM UTC
2024-06 Asbestos Testing
The City of Charleston is seeking bids for. 2024- Asbestos testing services Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Building Commission office at 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 15, 2024.
02/29/2024 03:00 PM UTC
2024-05 Demolition for Charleston Building Comission
The City of Charleston is seeking bids for. 2024 demolition of structures services. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project drawings and specifications will be held at Charleston City Building Commission office at 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 15, 2024.
02/29/2024 03:00 PM UTC
2024-04 Fire Safety System for Charleston City Hall and City Service Center
Summary: The City of Charleston is seeking bids for a Fire Safety System for Charleston City Hall and City Service Center, located at 501 Virginia Street & 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301. The completed project should be turn-key, including all installation materials, and fully operable at the project completion per the bid. Pre-bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the project specifications while performing a walk-through will be held at both 501 Virginia Street & 915 Quarrier Street, Charleston WV 25301, beginning at 501 Virginia Street at 10:00 a.m., Thursday February 1, 2024. We will meet in the City Hall Lobby.
02/20/2024 03:00 PM UTC
31 - 40 of 97 Solicitations
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