General Info

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Metro Parks of Butler County

2051 Timberman Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013-9621
(513) 867-5835

The mission of MetroParks of Butler County is to provide an exceptional park system that maximizes the community's quality of life through conservation, education, and recreation.  MetroParks is a Park District organized under Chapter 1545 of the Ohio Revised Code, and manages nearly 5,000 acres of land across 14 park sites in Butler County.

Upcoming Solicitations

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Closed Solicitations

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2025-001 Sebald Area Connector Road
Project Name: Sebald Area of Elk Creek MetroPark - Connector Road Project Description: Construction of paved connector road per the attached design/construction specifications from an area east of the Sebald Area entrance of Elk Creek MetroPark at 5580 Elk Creek Road in Middletown, Ohio that traverses easterly to the Sebald Area property boundary; connecting to an existing paved roadway on the Meadow Ridge Area of Elk Creek MetroPark constructed in 2024. The project also includes drainage improvements and included removal of an existing guardrail for connection to the existing connector road. Project Location: 5580 Elk Creek Road in Middletown, Ohio
03/13/2025 06:00 PM UTC
2024-003_VOA Shared Use Path
Project Name: Voice of America MetroPark-VOA Shared Use Path Project Description: Construction of a shared use asphalt path connecting existing asphalt path near Butler-Warren Road to an existing asphalt path located behind Voice of America Shopping Center per the attached construction specifications. The new construction shared use path has a total length of 2,932 linear feet (0.56 miles). Project Location: 7850 VOA Park Dr, West Chester, Ohio, 45069
05/09/2024 06:00 PM UTC
2024-002-Meadow Ridge Area of Elk Creek Connector Road
Project Name: Meadow Ridge Area of Elk Creek MetroPark - Connector Road Project Description: Construction of paved connector road from Circle Drive through the Meadow Ridge area of Elk Creek MetroPark per the attached construction specifications. The project also includes drainage improvements and a parking lot. Construction of the Sebald Park portion for the roadway is not included in this project, but included in the provided drawings as they were designed concurrently. The project road will terminate at a guard rail area prepped to be completed by the future Sebald Park construction project. Project Location: 5101 Circle Parkway, Middletown, Ohio 45042
05/02/2024 06:00 PM UTC
2023-001 Stone Bridge Repair Rentschler Forest MetroPark
Project Name: Rentschler Forest MetroPark - Kennedy Creek Stone Bridge Repair Project Desciption: Repair of a stone single span bridge structure over Kennedy Creek, in Rentschler Forest MetroPark, with an add alternate for removal and replacement of a nearby stormwater culvert. Project Location: 5701 Reigart Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011
02/14/2023 07:00 PM UTC
4 Solicitations