Toledo - Lucas County Port Authority
1 Maritime Plz, Toledo, OH 43604-1853
(419) 243-8251
1 Maritime Plz, Toledo, OH 43604-1853
(419) 243-8251
Name * | Description | |
Number | Deadline |
Bridge Rehabilitation Facility 3 Access Road
The work on this project consists of the rehabilitation of the existing bridge on the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority Facility 3 Access Road over the Bayshore power plant (First Energy) discharge channel. The contractor will be responsible for furnishing all labor, supervision, permits, equipment, shop drawings, tools, services, testing, and incidentals required to complete the work required by the bid documents, project technical specifications, project construction drawings and contract documents. The contractor will also be responsible for covering the cost of all materials except for the structures pre-purchased from Valmont and bearing pads and plates pre-purchased from others, as well as receiving the items when delivered and for all installation costs.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $1.2 million. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
This project is being funded through an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Program Grant.
| 03/18/2025 02:00 PM UTC |
Number | Deadline |
One Government Center Plaza Repairs Phase 3
The project consists of the third phase of plaza waterproofing replacement and structural concrete repairs at the One Government Center. Demolition includes the removal and storage of existing granite pavers and removal of existing concrete fill slab, insulation, and waterproofing system in designated areas. A new waterproofing and drainage system will be installed on top of the existing structural slab with a new concrete fill slab and reinstallation of existing stored granite pavers on new mortar setting bed. Structural concrete repairs include delamination and crack repairs to the existing structural slab at the plaza and basement levels. The project also includes carpentry, joint sealant, traffic coating, flashing, plumbing, electrical, and landscaping work. Phase 1 and 2 repairs were completed in 2023 and 2024, respectively.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $689,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
| 03/13/2025 02:00 PM UTC |
Hangar Door Replacement at Toledo Jet Center
The “Hangar Door Replacement” project consists of removal of the existing hangar door, modification of the opening and installation of a new door. Work will include, but not limited to, concrete cutting and patching, steel modifications, masonry modifications, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, window and door installation and other associated work for a complete installation.
The engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost for the project has been revised and is approximately $815,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
| 07/19/2024 03:30 PM UTC |
Airfield Crack Sealing & Remarking at Toledo Executive Airport (TDZ)
The “Airfield Crack Sealing and Remarking” project consists of the rehabilitation of Runway 4-22 and Taxiway B paved surfaces at Toledo Executive Airport (TDZ). The rehabilitation scope includes approximately 10,000 LF of crack routing and sealing of asphalt pavement, application of micro-surface seal coat (FAA specification P-629) over approximately 47,000 SY of pavement, and new nonprecision runway and taxiway markings. Also included in the project is the replacement of existing faded airfield sign panels.
The engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost for the project is approximately $458,937.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive.
| 06/25/2024 03:00 PM UTC |
Parking Structures Restoration 2024
This project consists of the following scope of work:
Port Lawrence Parking Structure: structural concrete repairs, post-tensioning repairs, installation of galvanic anodes, replacement/installation of joint sealants, replacement of expansion joints, installation of traffic coatings, and repainting of pavement markings.
Superior Parking Structure: structural concrete repairs, replacement/installation of joint sealants, and installation of traffic coatings.
Vistula: structural concrete repairs and reconditioning of handrail support posts.
Also included in this project is an allowance to purchase light fixtures to be installed by others.
The total engineer’s estimate for all three structures is approximately $400,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
| 06/11/2024 02:00 PM UTC |
West Airport Service Road at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport
This project involves milling and resurfacing West Airport Service Road from S. Berkey Southern Road to Terminal Road, and S. Berkey Southern Road from Airport Highway (SR-2) to West Airport Service Road. The project also includes pavement marking, signage upgrades, and replacement of 23 drainage structures.
PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Only prequalified contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. Prequalification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the contraction contract. For work types that ODOT does not prequalify, the LPA must still select a qualified contractor. Subcontractors are not subject to the prequalification requirement. The “prime” contractor must perform no less than 30 percent of the total original contract price.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $516,718.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Requirement of 7% has been established for this project. DBE participation goals (subcontracts, materials, supplies) have been set for those certified as DBEs pursuant to Title 23, U.S.C. section 140(c), and 49 CFR, Part 26, and where applicable qualified to bid with ODOT under Chapter 5525 of the ORC.
| 05/02/2024 02:00 PM UTC |
Facility One Pump Station and Force Main Improvements
The project replaces the existing wastewater pump station that serves the Port Authority’s Facility 1 industrial site and installs new 6” force main to connect to the City of Toledo’s gravity sewer on Sinclair Ave. near Front St. The work consists of the following: installation of approximately 1732 feet of 6” force main, 42 feet of 14” steel encasement pipe (bored), 1 air release manhole, 1 force main valve vault, 1 manhole, 40 feet of 6” gravity sewer, 40 feet of 8” gravity sewer, 37 feet of 12” gravity sewer, and related valves and fittings; installing a new sanitary pump station; taking the existing pump station dry well out of service; converting the existing pump station wet well to a sanitary manhole; abandoning approximately 2,941 feet of ex. 10” force main; electrical improvements; and related restoration and erosion control items.
The engineer's estimate for the base bid and alternates is approximately $1,100,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive.
| 04/10/2024 03:00 PM UTC |
One Government Center Plaza Repairs Phase 2
The project consists of the second phase of plaza waterproofing replacement and structural concrete repairs at the One Government Center. Demolition includes the removal and storage of existing granite pavers and removal of existing concrete fill slab, insulation, and waterproofing system in designated areas. A new waterproofing and drainage system will be installed on top of the existing structural slab with a new concrete fill slab and reinstallation of existing stored granite pavers on new mortar setting bed. Structural concrete repairs include delamination and crack repairs to the existing structural slab at the plaza and basement levels. The project also includes carpentry, joint sealant, flashing, plumbing, electrical, and landscaping work. Phase 1 repairs were completed in 2023.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $564,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
| 02/08/2024 03:00 PM UTC |
2024/2025 Improvements to Confined Disposal Facility 3
Project Description & other pertinent details:
This project is being funded through an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Program Grant.
The primary goal of the project is to construct improvements to TLCPA Facility 3 to increase confined disposal facility (CDF) capacity and improve operability of the site for future dredge material disposal. Portions of the site were originally constructed as early as the 1970’s. The site has been used for the containment and dewatering of dredged material from the Maumee River and Maumee Bay shipping channel, local docks, and sediment remediation projects and for confinement of fly ash and bottom ash from a coal-fired power plant. The contractor will be furnishing all labor, supervision, permits, materials, equipment, shop drawings, tools, services, testing, and incidentals required to complete the work required by the bid documents, project technical specifications, project construction drawings and contract documents.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $6.7 million. Alternate number 1 is approximately $7.2 million, and Alternate number 2 is approximately $7.6 million.
| 12/12/2023 03:00 PM UTC |
Maumee River Islands Restoration Projects
The Clark and Delaware/Horseshoe Islands Nutrient Reduction Wetland Restoration Project consists of Clark Island and the downstream portion of Delaware/Horseshoe Island and is being funded through an H2Ohio grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).
The H2Ohio Clark Island and Delaware/Horseshoe Island project will create flow-through wetland components that will provide significant nutrient reduction and water quality benefits within the Maumee River while restoring portions of the islands. The Clark Island portion of the restoration consists of approximately 4.43 acres of open water embayment and approximately 9.09 acres of wetland habitat. The Delaware/Horseshoe Island portion of the restoration consists of approximately 1.42 acres of open water embayment and approximately 2.87 acres of wetland habitat.
The Delaware Islands Complex Restoration in the Maumee AOC Project consists of Delaware/Horseshoe Island and is being funded through a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative-Area of Concern (GLRI-AOC) grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Delaware Islands Complex project will protect and recreate the islands to increase habitat heterogeneity in the Maumee Area of Concern (AOC) while reducing sediment and nutrient loading to improve water quality. The restoration consists of approximately 18 acres of open water embayment and approximately 33 acres of wetland habitat.
General: This is a lump sum bid equal to the total amount for each line item. All estimated quantities identified within the drawings or specifications are to be verified with the plan documents and determined by the bidder. Each line item total should include all costs necessary to complete the pay item identified in the Summary of Work. The sum of the line items should add up to the total lump sum fee. The unit prices are only to be used in the event of an owner directed change to the contract documents.
The base bid H2Ohio Clark and Delaware-Horseshoe Islands engineer's estimate is approximately $6.2 million. Delaware Islands Complex Restoration in the Maumee AOC base bid is approximately $3.9 million. The engineer's estimate for the total project is $10.1 million.
| 11/28/2023 03:00 PM UTC |
Snow Removal Equipment at Eugene F. Kranz Toledo Express Airport
Procurement of two (2) Multi-Tasking Snow Removal Vehicles for airfield snow removal. Project includes procurement and preparation for delivery, field testing, startup and operations and maintenance training. The engineer's estimate is approximately $1.9 million.
| 09/12/2023 02:00 PM UTC |