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Kansas Department of Transportation - Engineering and Consulting

700 SW Harrison St, Topeka, KS 66603-3929
(785) 296-2156

The Kansas DOT manages highway, rail, air, bike/pedestrian and public transportation across the state.

KDOT is an agency of more than 2,500 transportation professionals who together plan, construct and manage the transportation infrastructure in Kansas.   

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
RFP for 7-46 KA-4773-01 - K-7 Corridor Management Plan Update
Due to communities continued growth and expansion the need for study for reconsideration of the current corridor management plan to align it with the existing growth patterns, community plans, and MPO plans.
03/26/2025 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for 254-87- KA-7155-01 - K-254 Rock & Webb Rd.
This project will identify the need for an interchange, overpass, and/or connector roads on K-254 at the intersection of Rock, Webb, and Greenwich Roads.
03/26/2025 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for 46- KA-7668-01 DMS Structure Replacement in Johnson Co.
Design new steel DMS structure with new foundations to replace one existing DMS structure in the KC Metro area.
03/26/2025 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for 106 -TE-0507-26 Active Transportation Enhancement Program
Support the Transportation Facilities Planning, Transportation Engineering and Development, and Professional-Technical Support Services for the state-funded KATE Program.
03/26/2025 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for Multiple Projects: Construction Inspection Services-March 2025
Construction Inspection Services for 2 Groups of projects consisting of resurfacing scopes in multiple counties.
03/26/2025 10:00 PM UTC
5 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
RFP for CEnI Project Support 2025.02
Construction Inspection Services for 21 Grouped projects consisting of a few different scopes in multiple counties.
02/26/2025 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for KA-7525-01 - Culvert #525 on US-54 in Butler County
Drainage study and design for culvert replacement.
02/05/2025 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for CEnI Project Support 2025.01
Construction Inspection Services for 6 Groups/Projects consisting of 3 with Resurfacing needs; one with Bridge Replacement; one with Bridge Repair and one Grading and Surfacing scopes in multiple counties.
02/05/2025 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for Bridge Repair Projects 54-87 KA-7595-01 & 54-87 KA-7596-01
Design Services for Bridge Repair - One consultant is needed for the two projects.
12/11/2024 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for 75-89 KA-7594-01 - Curved steel bridge deck repair
Design Services for Bridge Repair in Shawnee County, I-70 to I-470.
12/11/2024 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for 106 KA-1675-04 - KDOT Statewide Underwater Bridge Inspections
Project is to investigate and prepare reports for underwater bridge inspections
12/11/2024 06:00 PM UTC
RFP for CEnI Project Support 2024.11
Construction Inspection Services for 4 Groups of Projects consisting of Resurfacing scope in multiple counties.
12/11/2024 06:00 AM UTC
RFP for K-8245-01 - Kingman Bypass
Structures designed to be evaluated with current industry standards and redesign if necessary. There are currently 13 bridges designed (including 8 large bridge-sized culverts) with the potential for more to be added with plan changes.
10/30/2024 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for CEnI Project Support 2024.10
Construction Inspection Services for 8 Projects.
10/30/2024 05:00 PM UTC
RFP for CEnI Project Support 2024.09
Construction Inspection Services for 3 Projects consisting of Bridge Replacement in Marshall and Wyandotte Co.
10/02/2024 05:00 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 65 Solicitations
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