San Rafael Sanitation District
111 Morphew St, San Rafael, CA 94901-5508
(415) 454-4001
111 Morphew St, San Rafael, CA 94901-5508
(415) 454-4001
Name * | Description | |
How To Bid Using Bid Express.pdf (306 KB) | ||
SRSD_2007_Specs-Side_Sewers_Laterals.pdf (444 KB) | ||
SRSD 2007 Standard Spec.pdf (2.21 MB) | ||
Uniform Construction Standards - Marin County & San Rafael.pdf (3.54 MB) | ||
Number | Deadline |
Project consists of replacing an existing pump station. Work will include construction of new pump station complete with wet well, valve pit, all pump controls, gravity sewer, forcemain, asphalt paving, service and maintenance of existing pump station, traffic control, and pedestrian detour.
| 03/12/2025 09:00 PM UTC |
Number | Deadline |
Project involves installation of five (5) new sanitary sewer pump stations for single family homes. Work includes pump station installation and configuration, electrical work, trenching and directional drilling of forcemains, manhole construction, installation of cleanouts and gravity laterals, connections to manholes, asphalt paving, and restoration work.
| 10/15/2024 09:00 PM UTC |
Project includes sewer replacements at 10 locations across San Rafael using both open trench and pipe bursting methods.
| 07/12/2024 09:30 PM UTC |
Sewer Replacement Project including sewer mains and lower laterals at more than 35 locations across San Rafael using both open trench and pipe bursting methods.
| 07/12/2024 09:00 PM UTC |
Project includes a total of nine (9) retaining walls providing slope stability to a sanitary sewer easement. There are four (4) soil nail walls with vertical micropiles and five (5) walls supported on drilled piers with grade beam. Project also includes a drainage culvert, geocell drainage, the replacement of 100 LF of 6" sanitary sewer.
| 06/27/2024 09:00 PM UTC |
2024 Paving Repair
Asphalt Grinding, Paving, and Striping.
| 04/09/2024 09:30 PM UTC |
The project includes replacing sanitary sewer mains, service laterals, constructing and rehabilitating/replacing sewer manholes, asphalt grinding and paving, erosion control, traffic control, and restoration of existing improvements including walls, concrete flatwork, stairs, and wood fencing. The methods of sewer main construction include open trench, pipe bursting and horizontal directional drilling.
| 04/09/2024 09:00 PM UTC |
6 Solicitations