General Info

Business Logo

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction

4545 Fisher Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-8923
(614) 971-9347

Mission: Reduce Recidivism Among Those We Touch

Standard Documents

Name * Description
f110-06-equalemploymentopportunityrequirements.docx (28.6 KB)
Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements Form
m140-00_45_39-edge_affidavit_fillable.pdf (31.7 KB)
EDGE Affidavit
m140-00_45_13-bidders_qualifications.pdf (13.9 KB)
Bidder’s Qualifications
m140-00_43_13-bid_security_form.pdf (28.8 KB)
Bid Security Form
supplier_new.pdf (311 KB)
Supplier Information Form - New Supplier
irs_w-9.pdf (117 KB)
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
eft_payment_authorization.pdf (584 KB)
Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit of EFT Payments
m160-00_21_13.ebv0713-instructionstobidders.pdf (75.5 KB)
General Contracting Instructions to Bidders
m160-00_10_00.ebv0713-solicitation.docx (63.3 KB)
General Contracting Solicitation template
ohio_revised_code_section_153.08.pdf (33.3 KB)
Statute permitting electronic bidding in Ohio
ohio_administrative_code_section_153.1-8-01.pdf (37.2 KB)
Administrative rule on electronic bidding in Ohi
m299-03v0313-publicbidadvertisement-ebid.docx (27 KB)
Public Bid Advertisement template
12 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
OSP – Facility Structural and System Improvements Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction 878 Coitsville Hubbard Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44505, Mahoning Co. Pre-bid Meeting is February 26, 2025 at 2:00 PM
03/19/2025 06:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Northeast Reintegration Center (NERC) Infirmary Upgrades Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction 2675 East 30th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, Cuyahoga Co The project scope includes a new building addition to the existing building “B”. The new addition will have Exam Rooms, Infirmary Rooms, Offices, a Pharmacy and a Nurses Station. There will be some rehab work in the existing building “B”. Pre-Bid Meeting is February 27, 2025 at 11:00 AM
03/14/2025 05:00 PM UTC
C-094-025 CCI Ph 1 Auditorium Renovations Chillicothe Correctional Institution 15802 State Route 104, Chillicothe OH 45601, Ross County This project focuses on restoring the auditorium by repairing and refinishing interior surfaces, addressing concrete slab issues, and installing fixed seating. Handrails will be added between tiered seating for safety, and acoustic treatments will enhance sound performance. The project aims to return the auditorium to its pre-pandemic state with upgrades like a new projection system, stage improvements, compliance with current codes and ADA regulations, and other items as indicated on contract documents, Pre-Bid Meeting is February 19, 2025, at 10:00 AM.
03/04/2025 07:00 PM UTC
DRC-21L048 SCI Hill Side Slip REBID Southeastern Correctional Institution 5900 BIS Rd SW, Lancaster, Ohio 43130, Fairfield County The project includes, but not limited to, the demolition of an existing building. New light poles, light heads, and electrical conduit/wire. New interior fencing. Asbestos sampling.
12/18/2024 04:00 PM UTC
BCRC Interior Renovations REBID Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction 1901 Gettysburg Ave, Dayton, OH 45417 Montgomery County
12/17/2024 04:00 PM UTC
DRC-23L067 ReBid
CTA Range House Project Corrections Training Academy Orient, Ohio 43146
12/10/2024 03:00 PM UTC
DCI Kitchen Upgrades Dayton Correctional Institution Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction 4101 Germantown Street, Dayton, Ohio 45417 Montgomery County
11/21/2024 04:00 PM UTC
BCRC Interior Renovations Bennett J. Cooper Re-Entry Center Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections 1901 South Gettysburg Avenue, Dayton, OH 45417 Montgomery County
11/20/2024 04:00 PM UTC
CTA Range House Project Corrections Training Academy
11/20/2024 03:00 PM UTC
NCI Fire System Upgrade Noble Correctional Institution 15708 McConnelsville Road Caldwell, Ohio Noble County
11/19/2024 03:00 PM UTC
Project DRC-23L061 SOCF Cold Water Main Replacement Southern Ohio Correctional Facility Lucasville, Scioto County The project will be the replacement of an existing domestic cold water service line located in the tunnels under SOCF. The project will start at an existing valve located in the tunnel on the outside of the concrete security barrier wall; the pipe shall be bored through the wall and installed along existing pipe racking. Connections to existing service laterals shall be relocated to the new cold water service lines.
10/29/2024 03:00 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 228 Solicitations
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