General Info

Business Logo

State of Oklahoma, Division of Capital Assets Management, Construction & Properties

1915 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4919
(405) 521-2112

See attachments for important information regarding submitting bids. 

Standard Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Pre-Bid meeting changed to 3/4/2025 at 1:00PM. Demo and replace the existing carpet in building C of the CLEET training center at 2401 Egypt Road, Ada, Oklahoma, 74820. The project will consist of both classrooms and corridors. The square footage of the carpet to be replaced will be 20269 SF. The vendor will provide all labor, carpet, adhesive, nosing, transitions, and cove base or other materials required to install and complete the project. After removing the existing carpet, the vendor will be responsible for scraping, cleaning, or preparing the slab for proper adhesion. The agency will be responsible for moving furniture.
03/13/2025 07:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of refurbishment of the elevator in the Family TREE facility located at 5909 Classen Ct, Oklahoma City, OK 73118. These improvements will provide a code compliant elevator with reduced outages. They will also improve down time for any repairs as new components are readily available for replacement, while existing components are obsolete.
03/13/2025 07:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of the base bid construction of an addition to the existing Career Center building, renovation of the existing building, associated site and utility work, and new perimeter fencing.
03/20/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0326 - Therapy Center Replacement of Boiler & Chiller with HVAC - Ft. Supply, OK - ODMHSAS
03/20/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0327 - Tornado Shelter - Vinita, OK - ODMHSAS
03/20/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0176 - Griffing Hall Elevator Replacement - Sulphur, OK 73086 - Oklahoma School for the Deaf - OKDRS
03/27/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0175 - Auditorium Seat Replacement - Sulphur, OK - OKDRS
03/27/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0083R1 - Indoor Air Quality Renovations - Phase 1 - OKC, OK - OSBI
04/03/2025 07:00 PM UTC
8 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
CAP-000841 - Maintenance Landscaping - ODMHSAS
06/22/2023 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000808 Critical Power Maintenance OMES-OFM
CAP-000808 Critical Power Maintenance OMES-OFM
06/15/2023 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000809 Generator Maintenance and On-Call OMES-ISD
06/15/2023 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000824 Hangar Door Inspection, Preventative & Repair Program OMD
CAP-000824 Hangar Door Inspection, Preventative & Repair Program OMD Lexington AASF and Tulsa AASF
06/08/2023 06:00 PM UTC
CAP-000823 Overhead Door Inspection and Repair Services OMD
CAP-000823 Overhead Door Inspection and Repair Services OMD - Various Locations
06/08/2023 06:00 PM UTC
CAP-000781 Conversion of Primary to Secondary Electrical Service ODOC
CAP-000781 Conversion of Primary to Secondary Electrical Service ODOC
06/06/2023 06:00 PM UTC
CAP-000790 Construction of Watershed Workshop OCC
CAP-000790 Construction of Watershed Workshop OCC
06/01/2023 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000791 Elevator Replacement - LARC - ODC
CAP-000791 Elevator Replacement - LARC - ODC
05/30/2023 06:00 PM UTC
CAP-000749 Ash Street Drainage Project OCC
CAP-000749 Ash Street Drainage Project OCC
05/30/2023 06:00 PM UTC
CAP-000726 HVAC Maintenance and Repair ODRS
HVAC Maintenance and Repair at Oklahoma School for the Deaf in Sulphur, OK
05/25/2023 06:00 PM UTC
111 - 120 of 538 Solicitations
1 2 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 53 54