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Solicitations and notifications are free for this business.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs, Dept. of Conservation & Recreation

10 Park Plz Suite 6620, Boston, MA 02116-3933
(857) 283-6746

Please note Effective  January 2025 there will be an increase to the SDP requirements.
MBE and WBE  requirements will no longer be combined.

Requirements as followed: 

MBE:   6%
WBE: 10%
VOBE  3%

For our Supplier Diversity Partners :

Please note starting in 2024, our bid day deadline will now be Thursday's @ 12:00PM

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Lead Paint Removal Counties: : Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket, Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, Berkshire The estimated project: $500,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $500. per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). The proposed contract includes a requirement of 6% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and a requirement of 10% for women-owned business enterprises. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Bid Bonds must be submitted electronically, please ensure your company and your bonding agent's company register with one of the Bid Bond agencies affiliated with Bid Express: If you need additional assistance, please call the Bid Express Customer Support Team at 888-352-2439, available Monday - Friday from 7:00am – 8:00pm (EST). You can also email the team or refer to the Vendor Resource page Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 44A to H, inclusive. In addition, bids are also subject to Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. All Bidders for this project are required to be certified with the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) and must submit with the bid an update of their respective qualifications. Bidders must be certified by DCAMM as a DELEADING CONTRACTOR. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
04/03/2025 04:00 PM UTC
SUB- BIDS: (3) Roofing & Flashing, Painting, Electrical. The project consists of: Replacement of existing raised septic system for Title V compliance, a new accessible picnic area, parking space, 400 ft of new & 650 ft of renovated trails. Trail Improvements to meet Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines. Includes rebuilding historic wood shed, exterior repairs to small adjacent concrete building, new kiosk, plantings, cistern roof water collection and watering system. Site regrading and paving for storm water management is required. The estimated project cost: $1,242,468.00 The work is to be accomplished within 260 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $ 500. per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). The proposed contract includes a requirement of 6% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and a requirement of 10% for women-owned business enterprises. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Bid Bonds must be submitted electronically, please ensure your company and your bonding agent's company register with one of the Bid Bond agencies affiliated with Bid Express: If you need additional assistance, please call the Bid Express Customer Support Team at 888-352-2439, available Monday - Friday from 7:00am – 8:00pm (EST). You can also email the team or refer to the Vendor Resource page Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 44A to H, inclusive. In addition, bids are also subject to Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. All Bidders, both Sub and General, for this project are required to be certified with the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) for the work they are bidding on and must submit with the bid an update of their respective qualifications. The General Bidder shall have DCAMM certification in the category of General Building Construction.
04/03/2025 04:00 PM UTC
General Bid: Great Blue Hill Septic System & Improvements Great Blue Summit Road, Blue Hills Reservation Milton, MA The project consists of: Replacement of existing raised septic system for Title V compliance, a new accessible picnic area, parking space, 400 ft of new & 650 ft of renovated trails. Trail Improvements to meet Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines. Includes rebuilding historic wood shed, exterior repairs to small adjacent concrete building, new kiosk, plantings, cistern roof water collection and watering system. Site regrading and paving for storm water management is required. The estimated project cost: $1,242,468.00 The work is to be accomplished within 260 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $ 500. per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). The proposed contract includes a requirement of 6% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and a requirement of 10% for women-owned business enterprises. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Bid Bonds must be submitted electronically, please ensure your company and your bonding agent's company register with one of the Bid Bond agencies affiliated with Bid Express: If you need additional assistance, please call the Bid Express Customer Support Team at 888-352-2439, available Monday - Friday from 7:00am – 8:00pm (EST). You can also email the team or refer to the Vendor Resource page Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 44A to H, inclusive. In addition, bids are also subject to Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. All Bidders, both Sub and General, for this project are required to be certified with the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) for the work they are bidding on and must submit with the bid an update of their respective qualifications. The General Bidder shall have DCAMM certification in the category of General Building Construction. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
04/17/2025 04:00 PM UTC
Maintenance of Mechanical & Electrical Systems Associated with Pump Stations Counties : Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket, Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, Berkshire The project consists of Maintenance of the Mechanical and Electrical system of Flood Control Facilities including repairs to DCR Pump Stations along Storrow Drive and Soldiers Field Road in Boston, at Leverett Circle, Memorial Drive Cambridge, Sales Creek and Broad Sound Pump Stations in Revere, Charles River Dam and Amelia Earhart Dam and Amelia Earhart Pump Station The estimated project cost is $ 1,100,000.00 ( $ 550,000.00 per Fiscal Year, two Years Contract ) The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Pump Stations to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. A minimum of five years’ experience in Mechanical and Electrical System to perform the scope of services of this contract 1. Repair and maintenance of self-priming pumps similar to Gorman-Rupp T6A3-B. 2. Equipment repair and maintenance of relay, limit switches, alarm systems, traffic signals, navigation lights, public address system, and similar equipment. 3. Troubleshooting, repair, and installation of Electric Control Panels for Pump Stations similar to those found at the Charles River Dam, Amelia Earhart Dam, Sales Creek Pump Station, Broad Sound Pump Station, and Storrow Drive Pump Stations The experience must be work self-performed by the applicant. The Proposed contract includes a requirement of 6% for MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) 10% for WBE (Women Business Enterprise) and 3% VOBE requirement (Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise). The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
04/24/2025 04:00 PM UTC
4 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Fence and Guardrail Maintenance Location: Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Worcester counties. The project consists of installation of new and maintenance of existing fencing, guardrail, gates, and impact attenuators for scheduled and emergency related work throughout DCR properties. The estimated project cost is $ 7,000,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $100.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in GUARD RAIL & FENCING to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
09/19/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Intersection Improvements at Lynn Fells Parkway and Melrose St., Melrose The project consists of Resurfacing of the Roadways and sidewalks, replacing granite curbing, new access ramps with warning pads, new traffic signals, mast arms with unpainted galvanized steel finish, new Traffic Signal foundations, cabinet, controller, signage and pavement markings. The estimated project cost is $1,933,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 547 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Construction to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
08/08/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Street Lighting Maintenance Location: Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, Worcester The project consists of performing preventative maintenance, repair, upgrading, and replacement of defective lighting systems on DCR parkways, roadways, and properties. The estimated project cost is $ 3,500,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Highway Lighting to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
08/01/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Gronk Playground: Charles River Esplanade, Boston, MA This project consists of reconstruction of an existing playground including removal of existing pavements, play equipment, rubber safety surfacing, lawn, and topsoil; installation of new play equipment (supplied by the DCR) and poured-in-place rubber safety surfacing; construction of new concrete and bituminous pavements; installation of site furnishings, granite block wall, curbing, signage, loam, and new lawn. If any addenda are issued throughout the open period for this project, DCR will distribute these addenda via Bid Express, which will also email identified prospective at the time plans and specifications are issued. The estimated project cost is $1,140,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 280 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Recreational Facilities to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
07/18/2024 04:00 PM UTC
High-Voltage Power Service Maintenance Statewide This project consists of testing, repairing and if needed replacement of high voltage power line systems as well as providing maintenance service to other electrical related apparatus, circuit breakers, transformers, and switchgears. The estimated project cost is $ 1,000,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1,000.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Electrical- All Types including Electrical Maintenance to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
07/11/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Camp Marshall Shotgun Remediation Camp Marshall Spencer, MA 01562 The estimated project cost is $ 290,640.00 The work is to be accomplished within 90 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1000 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in _Hazardous Waste Remediation & Transportation to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
05/23/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Georges Island Pavilion- Rebid Boston, MA This project consists of site preparation, new slab and footings, storage and transportation of materials, construction of new pavilion and connections to existing pathways at Georges Island (within Boston Harbor Islands State Park). The pavilion materials will be provided by DCR. The estimated project cost: $850,000 The work is to be accomplished within 150 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $ 1,000 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum requirement of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Bid Bonds must be submitted electronically, please ensure your company and your bonding agent's company register with one of the Bid Bond agencies affiliated with Bid Express: If you need additional assistance, please call the Bid Express Customer Support Team at 888-352-2439, available Monday - Friday from 7:00am – 8:00pm (EST). You can also email the team or refer to the Vendor Resource page Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 44A to H, inclusive. In addition, bids are also subject to Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per Mass. Gen. L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. All Bidders for this project are required to be certified with the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) General Construction or Modular Construction and must submit with the bid an update of their respective qualifications. Brian M. Arrigo, Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
05/23/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Castle Island Playground Renovation William J Day Boulevard, Boston, Mass 02127 This project consists of renovation of the playground area, installing new play equipment and poured in -place surfacing, replacing cement walkways, new concrete walkways at worn foot paths, minor grading, and planting of native vegetation including beach grass. These improvements will provide improved accessibility in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The estimated project cost is $ 600,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 150 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Recreational Facilities to bid on the above project. An ward will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
05/16/2024 04:00 PM UTC
Bridge Maintenance and Repairs- Statewide This project consists of undertaking scheduled and emergency bridge repairs to bridges statewide. The intention of this Contract is for most work order assignments to be scheduled to provide some flexibility in providing these services. However, there is the possibility that an emergency may materialize that needs immediate response, and the Contractor shall be required to mobilize and respond to the work order within 4 hours of notification. Some work assignments may be required to be performed at nighttime to minimize the impact to the traveling public. Work order assignments will typically consist of furnishing equipment, materials, engineering, & labor to undertake bridge repairs and maintenance, including furnishing traffic management set-ups to support worksite access and coordinating Traffic Police Details. Work shall include, but is not limited to: steel repairs; concrete superstructure and substructure repairs: replacing excavated, spalled, delaminated, or deteriorated concrete; replacing missing or deteriorated reinforcing steel, repairing concrete cracks, coring and grouting dowels; bridge railings repairs; replacing bridge railing anchor bolts; bridge drainage cleaning and repairs; application of elastomeric protective coatings; application of concrete deck antiskid waterproofing; replacement of caulking; repair and/or removal and replacement of timber decking, curbing and bridge railings; repairs to stone masonry abutments and walls; cleaning of bridge decks, beam seats and bearings. The estimated project cost is $ 4,500,000.00 The work is to be accomplished within 730 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $500 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in Bridge Construction to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The proposed contract includes a combined requirement of 10.4% of the bid price for minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises. Proposed MBE/WBE. Plans that include solely MBE or solely WBE , or do not include a reasonable amount by both MBE and WBE firms to meet the combined requirements, will not be considered responsive. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. The Commonwealth requires participation of Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises (“VOBE”) on its construction projects. The Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise participation benchmark for this contract is 3.0%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
05/16/2024 04:00 PM UTC
P24-3559-C1A (4056-C)
Spectacle Island Ferry Landing Emergency Repairs Project Scope: Demolition and removal of failed dock elements and reconfiguration of ferry landing for temporary use. An optional Prebid conference and site walk for prospective bidders will be held on Monday, May 6, 2024. Transportation to spectacle Island will be provided by DCR. Attendees will meet at the DCR conference room located at 30 Shipyard Drive; Hingham, MA 02043 at 8:30AM. Pre-registration is required. To register and receive parking instruction, contact Mark Georgian via the following email address: The work is to be accomplished within 14 calendar days of a notice to proceed. Liquidated damages in the amount of $1,200.00 per day will be assessed if the work has not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the contract within the time specified (as extended by any authorized extension of time granted in accordance with the contract provisions). Bidders must be pre-qualified by the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division in MARINE CONSTRUCTION to bid on the above project. An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by MassDOT prior to the opening of Proposals. The applicable local minority workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 15.3%. The applicable local women workforce utilization percentage is a minimum goal of 6.9%. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid deposit, in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Department of Conservation and Recreation in the amount of 5% of the bid. Each bid must be submitted through DCR’s E-Bid room at Please ensure that your bid is complete and marked as responsive when submitting through DCR’s Bid room. Any bids found to be incomplete and/or marked unresponsive will be rejected by DCR and will not be considered when awarding the project. Bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 30, Sect. 39F, G, H and M inclusive. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates as per M.G.L. Ch. 149, sections 26 to 27D inclusive. The Department reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it be in the public interest to do so. Brian M. Arrigo Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
05/09/2024 07:00 PM UTC
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