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City of Columbus – Department of Public Service

111 N Front St Fl 4, Columbus, OH 43215-2875
(614) 645-3111

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Prevailing Wage Guide for Contractors
1 Document

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Bridge Rehabilitation - Kimberly Pkwy over Mason Run
RFQ029996 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until April 17, 2025 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Bridge Rehabilitation – Kimberly Pkwy over Mason Run, PID 119849, Capital Improvement Project 530301-160283 project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves replacing the existing Kimberly Parkway bridge over Mason Run. Minimal roadway approach work will be included in the project. The new structure will accommodate a two lane section plus bike lanes and sidewalk on both sides, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). Only pre-qualified prime contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. ODOT Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price. The DBE Goal for this project is 10%. The last day to submit questions is April 7, 2025; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on A pre-bid meeting will not be held. 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB. All questions concerning this project are to be sent to 1.3 Bid Express: Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or Tinubu ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Northeast MOU - Central College Ulry Road Reconstruction
RFQ029457 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until February 13, 2025, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Northeast MOU - Central College Ulry Road Reconstruction project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves widening Central College Road, Ulry Road, and Lee Road to add turn lanes at the intersection and along Central College Road east of the intersection. A new 24” sanitary sewer subtrunk line approximately 2,100’ from the Big Walnut trunk line will be installed along Central Colllege – maximum depth is approximately 30’ and rock excavation is anticipated. The project also includes new curb and gutter, replacing the traffic signal, improvements to storm sewer, dredge and expansion of a wet detention basin, 10’ wide SUP, street lighting, pavement markings, and signage, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 12.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
02/13/2025 06:00 PM UTC
Bridge Rehabilitation - Annual Citywide Contract (2023)
RFQ029333 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 19, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Bridge Rehabilitation – Annual Citywide Contract project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves the general maintenance of several bridges and other roadway structures within the City of Columbus. Types of work may include but are not limited to concrete patching, expansion joint repairs, waterproofing, lighting repairs, placement of scour countermeasures, channel cleanout, deck overlay, asphalt repairs, clearing and grubbing, bearing rehab, bridge painting, and median barrier repairs, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 16.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
12/19/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Cassady Avenue (Bexley Corp To 7th Ave)
RFQ029289 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 17, 2024 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Cassady Avenue (Bexley Corp To 7th Ave), PID 105732, Capital Improvement Project 530103-100060 project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves the full reconstruction of Cassady Avenue from a 2-lane uncurbed section to a 3-lane curb and gutter section with additional turn lanes at the intersection with E. 5th Avenue. Sidewalk will be placed along the east side and a shared use path along the west side. Additional improvements include traffic signal replacement, street lighting, street trees (where feasible), storm sewer, electric distribution, and replacement of the 12" water main between Avalon Place and E. 5th Avenue. On E. 5th Avenue, the improvements consist of roadway reconstruction with additional turn lanes at the intersection with Cassady Avenue. The sidewalk will be replaced along both sides and improvements will be made to the street lighting and storm sewer. The water services from the existing 2" water line between N. Dawson Avenue and Northview Avenue will be transferred to the existing 12" water line and the 2" line abandoned, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). Only pre-qualified prime contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. ODOT Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price. The DBE Goal for this project is 8%. The last day to submit questions is December 3, 2024; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on A pre-bid meeting will not be held. 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB. All questions concerning this project are to be sent to 1.3 Bid Express: Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or Tinubu ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
12/17/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Operation Safewalks - School Sidewalks - Refugee (Noe Bixby to Blue Moon)
RFQ029241 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 12, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Operation Safewalks – School Sidewalks – Refugee (Noe Bixby to Blue Moon) project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves 1.3 miles of improvements to Refugee Road, including 5 foot sidewalks, (with new blended transitions and drive aprons), brick paver parking area, and stormwater detention facilities. This project also includes full width resurfacing on Refugee Road from Noe Bixby Road to Falcon Bridge Drive, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 15.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
12/12/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Pedestrian Safety - Courtright Rd Sidewalks - Refugee Rd to Groves Rd
RFQ028918 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until November 5, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Pedestrian Safety - Courtright Rd Sidewalks - Refugee Rd to Groves Rd project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves the construction of sidewalks along both sides of Courtright Road from Refugee Road to Groves Road to fill gaps within the pedestrian network. Project limits will be generally from Refugee Road to Westpoint Drive and from Courtright Lane (private road) to Groves Road. Sidewalk Installation will include curb ramps, drive approaches, concrete curb, storm sewers, catch basins, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 15.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
11/05/2024 06:00 PM UTC
Bridge Cleaning and Sealing - 2024
RFQ028875 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until October 31, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Bridge Cleaning and Sealing - 2024 project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves the cleaning and sealing of several bridges within the corporation limits of the City of Columbus. The annual bridge cleaning and sealing contract is a means for performing schedule-based preventative maintenance activities on bridges that the Department of Public Service maintains. These activities include the cleaning of debris and deicing chemicals from various bridge components and also the sealing of reinforced concrete components to prevent intrusion of salt, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 20.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
10/31/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Roadway - W. Broad Street and Doherty Road
RFQ028824 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until October 24, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Roadway - W. Broad Street and Doherty Road project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves reconstruction of Doherty Road and reconstruction of part of West Broad Street. The existing grass median on West Broad Street will be partially removed to provide an eastbound left turn lane at Doherty Road. A southbound left turn lane will be added to Doherty Road at West Broad Street. The improvements also include concrete curbs, sidewalks, shared use path, storm sewer, a new traffic signal, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 11.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
10/24/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Rich Street Traffic Signal Interconnect
RFQ028805 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until October 22, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Rich Street Traffic Signal Interconnect project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves upgrading the interconnect system on Rich Street from 3rd Street to Grant Avenue. This includes replacement of fiber optic cable, interconnect conduit bank and pull boxes. This also includes tying in the interconnct service cables to the signalized cabinets at the intersections of 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street and Grant Avenue, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 10.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
10/22/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Resurfacing - 2024 Brick and Concrete Rehabilitation
RFQ028774 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until October 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Resurfacing-2024 Brick and Concrete Rehabilitation project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves repair work for 11 concrete streets. The work consists of repairing and replacing concrete slabs and sawing and sealing concrete joints. The plans also include work to repair 14 brick streets. The work consists of repair and replacement of street concrete base sections and brick surface courses. The project also includes the repair of designated brick crosswalks and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 10.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
10/17/2024 05:00 PM UTC
Resurfacing - 2024 Project 2
RFQ028724 1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until October 10, 2024, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for Resurfacing – 2024 Project 2. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. This project involves the repair and resurfacing of 99 city streets and the construction of 326 - ADA curb ramps along those streets. The work consists of milling the existing pavement, overlaying with new asphalt concrete, minor curb replacement, and replacing identified curb and sidewalk areas associated with installing ADA curb ramps. The resurfacing work includes areas of full depth pavement repair, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions will be specified in the IFB; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express at as an addendum. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) will be available for review and download on Bid Express at after the IFB is published. Firms must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB for a bid to be considered for contract award. 1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review project information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up. 1.4 City of Columbus MBE/WBE Program: This project is subject to the requirements of the City’s MBE/WBE Program. The MBE/WBE goal assigned to this project is 8.0%. The contract will be awarded to the lowest, responsive, responsible, and best bidder. City certified MBE/WBE firms that submit a proposal may be eligible to receive a bid discount of 5% of the bid amount up to a maximum discount of $50,000.00. To be eligible for the bid discount, the firm must: • Be the prime contractor. • Be certified by the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion as an MBE/WBE capable of providing the type of construction services sought by the City at the bid due date. • Be a member of the ethnic and gender groups determined by the City’s 2019 Disparity Study to have a statistically significant disparity in the awarding of City construction contracts. (The eligible groups for Construction IFB’s are all City certified MBE/WBE firms except Hispanic American Male firms.) • Submit a completed Bid Discount / Proposal Incentive Request Form with the proposal. Vendors must register on the Vendor Services portal before doing business with the City of Columbus and becoming Minority or Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) certified. To get registered, please visit the following link: After vendor registration, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the required Contract Compliance (EBO) Questionnaire. Vendors must be contract compliant in order to do business with the City of Columbus. To get compliant, please visit the following link: To complete our online certification application, track the status of your application and receive a copy of your certification approval letter, visit: For more certification information or questions, contact us at: For additional inquiries, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at:
10/10/2024 05:00 PM UTC
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