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City of Columbus – Department of Public Service

111 N Front St Fl 4, Columbus, OH 43215-2875
(614) 645-3111

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Prevailing Wage Guide for Contractors
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Digital ID Test
We are testing our digital ID on our bid opening computer. This is not a real bid.
03/15/2016 11:45 AM UTC
1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until 3:00 P.M. local time, February 23, 2016, for construction services for the Arterial Street Rehabilitation – Hamilton Road Phase B (S Curve) project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted. The project shall create a new North Hamilton Road corridor from a point along the existing corridor approximately 450’ north of Menerey Lane/Preserve Boulevard to East Dublin‐Granville Road such that it aligns with existing North Hamilton Road from East Dublin‐Granville to SR‐161. North Hamilton Road will consist of two through lanes in each direction with; a raised center median, a shared use path on each side, curb, street trees, street lighting, storm sewer, waterline, and new intersections where roadways or access points are planned. The existing Hamilton Road will be relocated to intersect with the southern curve in the S‐curve. For the relocated section of existing Hamilton Road; new sidewalks, shared use path, street lighting, and stormwater improvements will be constructed. Also, other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the plans 3235 Drawer E and specifications set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB). 1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification. A pre-bid meeting will not be held. See the IFB for instructions as to how to submit questions. The last day to submit questions is February 16, 2016. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda shall be posted on Phone calls will not be accepted.
02/26/2016 08:00 PM UTC
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