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City of Columbus – Department of Public Service
111 N Front St Fl 4, Columbus, OH 43215-2875
(614) 645-3111
Free Solicitations and notifications are free for this business.
111 N Front St Fl 4, Columbus, OH 43215-2875
(614) 645-3111
Name * | Description | |
pw for contractors.pdf (628 KB) |
Prevailing Wage Guide for Contractors
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Number | Deadline |
Bridge Rehabilitation - Kimberly Pkwy over Mason Run
1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until April 17, 2025 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Bridge Rehabilitation – Kimberly Pkwy over Mason Run, PID 119849, Capital Improvement Project 530301-160283 project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves replacing the existing Kimberly Parkway bridge over Mason Run. Minimal roadway approach work will be included in the project. The new structure will accommodate a two lane section plus bike lanes and sidewalk on both sides, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
Only pre-qualified prime contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. ODOT Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price.
The DBE Goal for this project is 10%.
The last day to submit questions is April 7, 2025; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB. All questions concerning this project are to be sent to
1.3 Bid Express: Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or Tinubu ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
| 04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC |
Number | Deadline |
Arterial Street Rehabilitation - SR161 I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Phase I, PID 110376
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until May 17, 2022 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - SR161 I-71 to Cleveland Avenue Phase I, PID 110376, Capital Improvement Project 530103-100065. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project is the first phase of a series of projects that will make improvements to SR 161 between I-71 and Cleveland Avenue focused on the side streets north and south of SR 161. Improvements to SR 161 include replacement of the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Maple Canyon Avenue, installing curb, curb ramps and street lighting. Side Street improvements along Maple Canyon Avenue include reconstruction, widening and resurfacing of the pavement, curb, sidewalk, raised median, installation of two urban mini roundabouts, street lighting, storm sewer and water main, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
Only pre-qualified prime contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. ODOT Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price.
The DBE Goal for this project is 8%.
The last day to submit questions is May 3, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB. All questions concerning this project are to be sent to
1.3 Bid Express: Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or InSure Vision/SuretyWave ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
| 05/17/2022 05:00 PM UTC |
530282-912022 Resurfacing 2022 - Project 1
1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until May 5, 2022 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Resurfacing 2022 – Project 1. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This contract repairs and resurfaces 91 city streets and constructs 396 ADA curb ramps along those streets. The work consists of milling the existing pavement, overlaying with new asphalt concrete, minor curb replacement, and replacing identified curb and sidewalk areas associated with installing ADA curb ramps. The project also includes areas of full depth pavement repair in conjunction with resurfacing, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is April 27, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review projects information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up.
| 05/05/2022 05:00 PM UTC |
PSI Refugee Road Winchester Pike to Hamilton Road PID 99744
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until April 28, 2022, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Pedestrian Safety Improvements - Refugee Road - Winchester Pike to Hamilton Road PID 99744, Capital Improvement Project 590105-100112 project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves pedestrian improvements along Refugee Road between the intersections of Wincheseter Pike and Hamilton Road. Improvements include a bridge replacement, a sidewalk on the south side of Refugee Road and a Shared Use Path on the north side of the Refugee road. Additional improvements include driveway aprons, curb ramps, storm sewers and a regional storm water detention basin, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
The DBE Goal for this project is 6%.
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB.
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is April 18, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or InSure Vision/SuretyWave ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
Only ODOT pre-qualified contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price.
| 04/28/2022 05:00 PM UTC |
ASR-Hudson Street I-71 to Cleveland Avenue
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until January 27, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. local time, for construction services for the ASR-Hudson Street - I-71 to Cleveland Avenue project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves reconstructing Hudson Street from I-71 to Cleveland Avenue. The reconstruction will include installing new curb, full pavement reconstruction, reconstruction and modification to the existing median on the east leg of the I-71 at the Hudson Street intersection, sidewalk on the north side, a shared used path on the south side, street trees, new traffic signals, storm sewers, a new 24” water main, new ADA curb ramps at intersections, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is January 14, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
This project is funded in part by State of Ohio Fund 7031 or 7035 monies and relevant state requirements apply.
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
| 01/27/2022 06:00 PM UTC |
Roadway-Sullivant Avenue-Hague to I70-Ped Crossing, Bridge Lighting, Driveway Design
1.1 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until January 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Roadway - Sullivant Avenue - Hague to I70 – Ped Crossing, Bridge Lighting, Driveway Design project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
The project is a combination of the following projects and will be awarded as one contract:
Roadway - Sullivant Avenue - Hague to I70 – Ped Crossing, 531034-100002
Roadway - Sullivant Avenue - I-70 Bridges Decorative Lighting, 531034-100004
Roadway - Sullivant Avenue - Hague to I70 - Driveway Design, 531047-100000.
The Ped Crossing work consists of constructing curb extensions, curb ramps, and concrete islands along Sullivant Avenue between S. Harris Avenue and Ryan Avenue including Harris Avenue, Warren Avenue, Burgess Avenue, Terrace Avenue, Eureka Avenue, Wheatland Avenue, Clarendon Avenue, Belvidere Avenue, Wrexham Avenue, Nashoba Avenue, Columbian Avenue, and Ryan Avenue. Curb extensions will also be installed to service COTA bus stops along the south side of Sullivant Avenue at the intersections at Eureka Avenue, Wheatland Avenue, Clarendon Avenue, and Hilltonia Avenue. The Bridges Decorative Lighting includes a decorative/specialized lighting system attached to the abutment walls of the I-70 bridges over Sullivant Avenue. The Driveway Design project includes the reconstruction of 13 commercial and 3 residential drive aprons and 2 alley aprons within the Sullivant Avenue corridor between Hague Avenue and I-70, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications, plans at 3724-E, 3814-E, 1876-A and City of Columbus Construction and Material specifications set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is January 18, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
1.2 Classification: All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
1.3 Bid Express: If you do not have an account with Bid Express and you would like to review projects information or submit a bid, you will need to register for an account. Go to in order to sign up.
| 01/27/2022 06:00 PM UTC |
Intersection East Powell Road and Lyra Drive
Bids will be received by the Department of Public Service on behalf of NP Capital Management Corp. until January 18, 2022, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Intersection - East Powell Road and Lyra Drive project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves the connection of east Powell Road and Lyra Drive with a roundabout. Improvements include lighting, drainage, waterline, sanitary, sidewalk, shared use path, landscaping improvements, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is January 3, 2022; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
| 01/18/2022 06:00 PM UTC |
PSI SRTS Kingsford Road Sidewalks PID 109316
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until January 11, 2022, at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the Pedestrian Safety Improvements - SRTS Kingsford Road Sidewalks PID 109136, Capital Improvement Project Number 590105-100121. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves constructing sidewalks along the west side of Kingsford Road from Briggs Road to Eakin Road and along the north side of Briggs Road from the existing sidewalk approximately 115 feet west of Kingsford Road to Kingsford Road. Installation of the sidewalk will include curb ramps and drive approaches, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
Only pre-qualified prime contractors are eligible to submit bids for this project. ODOT and City of Columbus Pre-qualification status must be in force at the time of bid, at the time of award, and through the life of the construction contract. The "prime" contractor must perform no less than 50 percent of the total original price.
The DBE Goal for this project is 6%.
The last day to submit questions is December 28, 2021; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum. Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB. All questions concerning this project are to be sent to
Bidders must also have an account with one of Bid Express’ surety verification companies: Surety 2000 ( or InSure Vision/SuretyWave ( Contact them directly to set up an account.
| 01/11/2022 06:00 PM UTC |
UIRF Far South Engineering 2017
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 16, 2021 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the UIRF- Far South Engineering 2017 project, C.I.P. No. 440005-100071. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This contract for this project includes three locations. One location will install sidewalk on the east side of Wilson Avenue from Marion Franklin Community Center to Koebel Avenue; the second location will install sidewalk on the north side of Williams Road from east of High Street to Parsons Avenue; the third location will install a stormwater bioswale on High Street in front of Great Southern Shopping center, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is December 3, 2021; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
| 12/21/2021 06:00 PM UTC |
UIRF 2016 Sidewalks P1-E
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 16, 2021 at 1:00 PM local time, for construction services for the UIRF - 2016 Sidewalks P1-E project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves sidewalk installation at two project locations. At the first location, a sidewalk will be installed on the north side of Seventh Avenue from North Star Avenue to Broadview Avenue in the 5th by Northwest Columbus Community Area. At the second location, a sidewalk will be installed on the south side of Mock Road from Parkwood Avenue to Brentnell Avenue in the North Central Columbus Community Area. Also, other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All questions concerning this project are to be sent to The last day to submit questions is December 6, 2021; phone calls will not be accepted. Responses will be posted on Bid Express as an addendum.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held.
Notice of published addenda will be posted on the City’s Vendor Services web site and all addenda will be posted on
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
| 12/21/2021 06:00 PM UTC |
Roadway Improvements Stormwater Regional Basins Parsons Avenue
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service is receiving bids until December 9, 2021 at 1:00 P.M. local time, for construction services for the Roadway Improvements - Stormwater Regional Basins - Parsons Avenue project. Bids are to be submitted only at Hard copies shall not be accepted.
This project involves the installation of a dry detention basin, outlet structure, emergency spillway, access drive, tree planting, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
All bid documents (Invitation for Bid, technical specifications, plans, and future addenda) are available for review and download at Firms wishing to submit a bid must meet the mandatory requirements stated in the IFB, including being prequalified by the City of Columbus Office of Construction Prequalification.
| 12/09/2021 06:00 PM UTC |