General Info

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The City of Hammond, LA

P.O. Box 2788, Hammond, LA 70404
(985) 277-5633

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Installation of sub-surface drainage improvements at 8 locations within the corporate limits of Hammond, including about 8,700 LF of storm drain pipes (8"/12" to 42" diameter), 184 EA catch basins; removal/replacement of about 1,600 SY of 6" th PCC driveways and 8" th PCC street pavements; 6,300 SY of slab-sod; installation of about 1,500 SY of 6" thick PC concrete sidewalks; and related work including limestone (400 TN), imported Backfill (900 CY); pavement sawcut (3,230 LF); excavation of Type I ditches (240 LF); construction/traffic signage; miscellaneous sitework & erosion control; and related work as called for on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Contract Term: 240 calendar days; Construction Cost Estimate: $1,799,930.00
04/17/2025 03:00 PM UTC
RFP 25-10 For Law Enforcement Canine
The Hammond Police Department K-9 Unit utilizes canine dogs for patrol/narcotics detection work to ensure the safety of the public in the City of Hammond. The Hammond Police Department is seeking a vendor to provide pure breed basic trained dogs and handler training. It is the intention of these specifications that the vendor hereunder shall furnish and Hammond Police Department shall purchase high quality, trainable and healthy police dogs, suitable for patrol functions, narcotic detection, tracking and apprehension.
04/17/2025 03:00 PM UTC
RFP # 25-09 For Hammond Community Center Addition
Storage Addition Structure consists of a metal building frame and slab on grade construction and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents
04/24/2025 03:00 PM UTC
3 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Installation of sub-surface drainage improvements at 5 locations within the corporate limits of Hammond, including about 3,840 LF of storm drain pipes (8"/12" to 36" diameter), 67 EA catch basins; removal/replacement of about 945 SY of 6" th PCC driveways and 8" th PCC street pavements; 4,900 SY of slab-sod; installation of about 36.0 SY of 6" thick PC concrete sidewalks; and related work including limestone (230.0 TN), imported Backfill (384.0 CY); pavement sawcut (1,620 LF); limestone rip-rap (110.0 SY); excavation of Type II ditches (1,300 LF); construction/traffic signage; miscellaneous sitework & erosion control; and related work as called for on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Contract Term: 270 calendar days; Construction Cost Estimate: $914,236.00
05/23/2024 03:00 PM UTC
RFP 24-24 Playground Equipment for Jackson Park and Mooney Avenue Park
This Project consists of the installation of a new playstructure in Jackson Park, 707 Harden Dr, Hammond LA 70401 ("Project Site 1"), and the installation of new swings in Mooney Avenue Park, 814 Mooney Ave, Hammond LA 70403 ("Project Site 2"), as described in these Preliminary Pages, any included Specifications and/or Drawings, and any future Addenda. The 2 Project Sites are approximate 1.5 miles apart. The estimated cost of this Project is $105,000, inclusive of playground equipment and safety surfacing, freight, and professional installation.
05/10/2024 03:00 PM UTC
HAEIDD Lift Station & Force Main Improvements [FY2024]
Improvements to the HAEIDD lift station (LS#51) and force main through installation of new duplex submersible pumping equipment (800 GPM@ 60' TDH)(dry pit application), installation of a new twelve-inch inner diameter (12" I.D.) force main (PE/PVC) (18,300 LF), installation of air release valves, haul-in, grade, compact backfill and limestone, installation of new electrical controls, installation of force main bypass assembly, including but not limited to, yard piping, clearing & grubbing, and other tasks as shown on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Budget: $1.925,000.00 Contract term: 150 calendar days
05/09/2024 03:00 PM UTC
Maintenance & Repair of (3) Vertical Transportation Systems (Elevators and phone) for 1 year and/or up to 3 years beginning July 1, 2024 until June 30, 2025.
04/15/2024 03:00 PM UTC
RFP 25-01 Pest Control Services for the City of Hammond, LA
The City of Hammond is requesting proposals for Pest Control Services for a twelve month up to thirty-six month period. The Contractor’s service should be for full exterminating service and is to include but not limited to, the periodic eradication of bats, birds, rats, mice, as well as roaches, ants, silverfish, spiders and other crawling insects and pest. The Contractor shall use an Integrated Pest Control Management Program. In relationship to frequency and results, the Contractor is responsible for controlling or eliminating pest infestation. The frequency shall be as required by the specifications, more often if requested by the City of Hammond or as deemed necessary. The Contractor shall provide whatever services are required to eliminate any pest problems to the satisfaction of the City of Hammond at the prices stated in this proposal.
04/12/2024 03:00 PM UTC
It is the intent of this specification to provide for the purchase of one (1) new and unused regenerative air street sweeper having a six-wheeled, truck chassis with dual diesel engines, sweeper controls and switches, 8.0 cubic yard hopper with minimum 56” dump height, automatic transmission, 265 gallon water tank, and left and right side broom with variable down pressure controlled from cab. The following specification is based upon an ELGIN REGENX Part Number REGENX-RM-33K street sweeper, mounted on a Freightliner Conventional Chassis.
04/12/2024 03:00 PM UTC
Mooney RCB Crossing W2-L2D
Installation of 2 - 6' X 6' reinforced concrete box (RCB) culverts under Mooney Ave. at the intersection of drainage lateral W2-L2D, including 48 LF of double barrel 6' X 6' RCB, 582 SF of PCC headwalls, 155 SY of 55# rip rap; 72 LF of 24" side drain pipe, 4 EA catch basins, 50 SY of PCC sidewalks; and related work including imported backfill (950 CY, Veh. Meas.), limestone (415 TN), excavation (1,068 CY, Net Section), guardrail (100 LF); construction/traffic signage; miscellaneous sitework & erosion control; and related work as called for on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Contract Term: 120 calendar days; Construction Cost Estimate: $461,805
04/04/2024 03:00 PM UTC
RFQ Engineering Services for Hammond Northshore Regional Airport
Notice is hereby given that the City of Hammond is requesting submittal of qualification statements from engineering firms interested in performing engineering services for Hammond Northshore Regional Airport
03/13/2024 03:00 PM UTC
RFP 24-21 Railroad Track Repairs
This specification covers the furnishing of material, labor and equipment to furnish, remove, and replace 125 6x8x8’6” crossties and 13 switch ties. Also surfacing of track toward Home Depot, cleaning switches, and tightening bolts in crossing at Wilbert Dangerfield Rd. THIS WORK MUST BE PERFORMED IN COMPLETE ACCORDANCE WITH BEST MODERN RAILROAD PRACTICES.
02/06/2024 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 24-22 Fireworks In The Park
The City of Hammond is accepting proposals from qualified firms to provide a community fireworks display for the 4th of July celebration to be held at Zemurray Park 400 South Oak Street, Hammond, LA 70401 on Tuesday July 4, 2024.
01/19/2024 04:00 PM UTC
21 - 30 of 80 Solicitations
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