General Info

Business Logo

The City of Hammond, LA

P.O. Box 2788, Hammond, LA 70404
(985) 277-5633

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
RFP #25-04 Railroad Track Repairs
This specification covers the furnishing of material, labor and equipment to furnish, remove, and replace 124 6x8x8’6” crossties. Also surfacing of track toward Home Depot. THIS WORK MUST BE PERFORMED IN COMPLETE ACCORDANCE WITH BEST MODERN RAILROAD PRACTICES.
09/13/2024 03:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
RFP 23-47 Chevy Well Rehabilitation
Project consist of removing the existing 2 Aurora split case pumps and motors. Installing 2 new CR255-1 A-G-A-E-HQQE pumps. Contractor to provide all labor and materials for installation of pumps, pipe fittings and electrician to tie in new pumps to existing booster VFDs.
03/28/2023 03:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-49 City of Hammond Recycling Collection Services
Contractor provides the 30-yard roll-off dumpster and empties the dumpster as needed, up to three (3) times per month. The base service will consist of the Contractor collecting, hauling and processing recyclable materials from this single-stream drop-off location to an appropriate material recycling facility or facilities, depending on the type of recyclables collected and processed. Contractor will submit monthly reports and/or tickets documenting the total volume of recyclables collected and accepted at the processing facility and whether any recyclables were refused due to contamination and what quantity was transported to the landfill.
03/15/2023 03:00 PM UTC
Lift Station Improvements [FY2023]
Improvements to the following lift stations: Lawrence Drive (LS#35), Harden Drive (LS#38), Whitmar Drive (LS#21), and Magazine Street (LS #3) through installation of a new PC concrete access driveway, limestone access driveway and parking, installation of new PC concrete headwall and flatwork, haul-in, grade, compact backfill and limestone, installation of new electrical service and controls, installation of force main bypass assembly, including but not limited to, yard piping, fencing, clearing & grubbing, and other tasks as shown on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Budget: $625,000: Contract term: 150 calendar days
03/09/2023 04:00 PM UTC
Concrete Street Improvements [FY2023]
Demolition of existing deteriorated PC concrete street pavements and replacement with new 8" thick (reinforced) PC Concrete pavement (about 3,050 SY); installation of about 1,362 TN of limestone; installation of about 1,822 LF of mountable curb ("tack-on" type); maintenance of traffic/traffic control; and related work as called for on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Contract Term: 120 calendar days; Construction Cost Estimate: $530,000
02/23/2023 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-44 Railroad Track Repair
Specification covers the furnishing of material, labor and equipment to repair defects found on Railroad Track inspection report.
01/03/2023 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-42 Clarke Park Playground Improvements
New playground components, including a shaded playstructure for 2–5-year-olds, a seesaw for 2–12-year-olds, and swings, will be constructed on an existing concrete slab centrally located in the park. Surface-mounted components are preferred. For in-ground-mounted components, the Contractor will be required to drill/cut through 6"-thick concrete and to replace excavated concrete with concrete that is at a minimum of the same thickness and strength and that meets or exceeds the component manufacturer's installation requirements (e.g. for footers). Estimated Budget $145,000
12/20/2022 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-40 Mooney Avenue Park Playground
This Project consists of the construction of a playground in Mooney Avenue Park, 814 Mooney Ave, Hammond LA 70403 ("Project Site"), The estimated cost of this Project is $160,000, inclusive of bonded rubber safety surfacing, playground components, freight, and professional installation.
12/13/2022 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-39 City of Hammond Maintenance Shop Addition
2640 Sq. Ft. Metal warehouse addition to existing 7,200 Sq. Ft. warehouse and an existing 5,400 Sq. Ft. office attachment.
12/06/2022 04:00 PM UTC
RFP 23-38 Roof Replacement City of Hammond Police/Fire Fleet Building
11/16/2022 04:00 PM UTC
Sewer Rehabilitation [FY2022-23]
Rehabilitation of existing sewer collection system deficiencies including Cured-in-place-pipe lining of about 19,700LF (6"-12" diameter); 57EA Main line Point Repairs (8"-12''); 240EA Service line Point Repairs; rehabilitation of about 139EA Sewer Manholes; 90EA Watertight manhole covers; 300LF of new SS Mains (including 80LF of 16" steel casing); associated post-CIPP CCTV work; clearing & grubbing, backfill, limestone, PC concrete paving, traffic and erosion control; and other tasks as shown on the drawings, indicated on the Bid Form, or reasonably implied. Budget: $1,980,000; Contract term: 300 calendar days
10/06/2022 03:00 PM UTC
31 - 40 of 67 Solicitations
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