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Fresno County Department of Public Works and Planning
2220 Tulare Street 7th Floor, Fresno , CA 93721
(559) 600-9908
Free Solicitations and notifications are free for this business.
2220 Tulare Street 7th Floor, Fresno , CA 93721
(559) 600-9908
Name * | Description | |
Number | Deadline |
Waterworks District 40 – Water Supply Well(s) Construction
The work to be done consists, in general, of the construction of up to two new wells with necessary appurtenances and installation of necessary piping to the existing distribution system within the community of Shaver Springs, approximately 40 miles northeast of the City of Fresno.
| 03/20/2025 09:00 PM UTC |
Jacalitos Creek Bridge Replacement on Lost Hills Road
Bridge Number: 42C0078
The work to be done consists, in general, of widening the existing roadway (no additional capacity) and replacing the structurally deficient two-lane bridge with a standard two-lane bridge. The Jacalitos Creek Bridge on Lost Hills Road (Bridge No. 42C0078 / 03-038) is located 3.8 miles south of the community of Coalinga. The new bridge structures will consist of pre-cast, pre-stressed concrete voided slabs which will be supported by outrigger piers, pier caps, and a Cast-In-Drill-Hole concrete pile foundation. The work also includes constructing abutments, installing bridge concrete barriers, finishing the bridge decks with polyester concrete overlay, and placing a hot mix asphalt concrete overlay on the roadway approaches. A temporary detour road will be created with temporary railings and temporary crash cushions.
The DBE Contract Goal is 17% percent.
Federal Project Number: BRLO-5942(234)
| 03/27/2025 09:00 PM UTC |
Choinumni Park Improvements
The work to be done consists, in general, of improvements to Choinumni Park including furnishing and installing picnic/barbecue areas, prefabricated shelters, playground and play structures, horseshoe pits, and concrete cornhole boards, miscellaneous signage and striping, and miscellaneous electrical and plumbing improvements throughout the park. The work will also include two new trails, application of chip seals on existing roads and camp stalls, and replacement of the existing campsite fire pits and picnic tables. This project contains additive items including construction of restrooms and septic system, informational kiosks along the trails, installation of solar powered lights, application of additional chip seal to the remaining roads throughout the park and the construction of a basketball court and volleyball courts.
State of California Department of Parks and Recreation Project Number: RG-10-001
| 04/03/2025 09:00 PM UTC |
Department of Public Health Basement Renovation
The work to be done consists of, in general, the redesign and interior improvements of the basement of the Brix-Mercer Building that was previously damaged by flooding. Interior improvements to consist of the assembly of meeting rooms, offices, and storage occupancies including the construction of new walls, carpeting, and painting, with upgrades to the plumbing, mechanical, fire sprinklers, and electrical systems.
| 04/03/2025 09:00 PM UTC |
Number | Deadline |
19-18-CD (RE BID) Wastewater Treatment Improvements at the El Porvenir and Cantua Creek Facilities
This project requires work at two different County Service Area (CSA) wastewater treatment plants (WWTP); CSA 30 - El Porvenir and CSA 32 - Cantua Creek. The work to be done consists, in general, of adding a bar screen structure (headworks), replacing the aeration system (furnished by the owner), installing a flow metering system, and other appurtenant work at each of the WWTPs as shown in the plans and specifications. Furthermore, the project requires repairing the pond liner and regrading the levee adjacent to the aeration pond at CSA 30.
| 05/14/2020 09:00 PM UTC |
19-08-C Auberry Road/Copper Avenue Traffic Signal Installation
The work to be done consists, in general, of installing traffic signal facilities and left turn phasing, including, but not limited to, standards, signal heads, controller, electrical service equipment, conduits, loop detectors, and wiring at the intersection of Copper Road and Auberry Avenue. Pavement widening, reconstruction, signing, striping and pavement markings will also be done. The work also includes the installation of conduit which must be approved by PG&E.
| 04/16/2020 09:00 PM UTC |
19-20-C Slurry Seals
The work to be done consists, in general, of placing a slurry seal of asphaltic emulsion and sand mixture on various existing roads in Fresno County. The base bid will require the placement of slurry seal on 22.78 miles of roadway, and additive bids include an additional 3.88 miles of roadway. Other items or details not mentioned herein that are required by the plans, Standard Specifications or these special provisions shall be performed, constructed, furnished or installed.
| 04/14/2020 09:00 PM UTC |
19-21-C Bituminous Seal Coats
The work to be done consists, in general, of furnishing and placing screenings over asphaltic emulsion at various existing roads in Fresno County. The seal coat will be constructed on 19.97 miles of roadway on County roads. County forces will repair, trim, and blade heavy dirt deposits and vegetation from the existing surfacing in advance of construction.
| 04/02/2020 09:02 PM UTC |