General Info

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

400 Market St, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301
(717) 783-0190

Bureau of Facility Design and Construction
For general questions please email us at  For project specific questions the question must be asked via the Q&A Section in the Project Advertisement on Bid Express.

Standard Documents

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Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Renovate and Replace Beach Houses 6, 10, & 11 Presque Isle State Park Millcreek Township, Erie County Pennsylvania. Work included under these contracts consists of the demolition of two existing beach houses (Beaches 6 & 11) and construction of three new beach houses, along with site improvements including new utilities, concrete sidewalks & curbs, kneewalls, earthwork, stormwater management, asphalt pavement, paint striping, signage, and landscaping to support the new beach house at each site. The two contracts (General and Electrical) will be design-build, with the general contractor providing all the final engineering construction drawings, permits and be responsible for the construction of the new site features and building, and the electrical contractor providing electrical design for new electrical service and electrical site upgrades. Design-build sketch plans have been provided with the Contract Bid Documents to outline the scope of work. SDB Participation Goal: 11% VBE Participation Goal: 3% Engineer's Estimate: Over $1 Million
04/03/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Renovate and Replace Beach Houses 6, 10, & 11 Presque Isle State Park Millcreek Township, Erie County Pennsylvania Work included under these contracts consists of the demolition of two existing beach houses (Beaches 6 & 11) and construction of three new beach houses, along with site improvements including new utilities, concrete sidewalks & curbs, kneewalls, earthwork, stormwater management, asphalt pavement, paint striping, signage, and landscaping to support the new beach house at each site. The two contracts (General and Electrical) will be design-build, with the general contractor providing all the final engineering construction drawings, permits and be responsible for the construction of the new site features and building, and the electrical contractor providing electrical design for new electrical service and electrical site upgrades. Design-build sketch plans have been provided with the Contract Bid Documents to outline the scope of work. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $400,000-$700,000
04/03/2025 05:00 PM UTC
John Evans House Stabilization | White Clay Creek Preserve London Britain Township Chester County, Pennsylvania Structural stabilization of historic stone and brick masonry house ruin within the White Clay Creek Preserve. This project involves work which must be performed by contractors and trades having particular skill and sensitivity for handling historic building materials with care and attention to preservation and quality of details. Awarded contractor shall submit preservation contractor qualifications at the onset of construction. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $300,000-$500,000
04/03/2025 05:00 PM UTC
ADA Hilltop and Paving Samuel S. Lewis State Park Lower Windsor Township York County, Pennsylvania The placement of 9.5mm Superpave Wearing Course, 25mm Superpave Base Course, and 2A Aggregate. Additional work includes excavation, tack coating, shoulder back up, and parking lot line painting. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000-$150,000
04/03/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Roadway Rehabilitation Forest District #5, Rothrock State Forest and Penn Roosevelt State Park Jackson, Smithfield, and Harris Townships Huntingdon and Centre Counties, Pennsylvania Work includes the placement of 9.5mm Superpave Wearing Course, 25mm Superpave Base Course, 2A Aggregate, and Driving Surface Aggregate (DSA). Additional work includes excavation, culvert installation, inlet installation, dry stone masonry headwall installation, tack coating, shoulder back up, bituminous pavement base repair, and pavement markings. SDB Participation Goal: 22% VBE Participation Goal: 3% Engineer's Estimate: $500,000- $800,000
04/03/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Eagleton Demonstration Trail Rehabilitation Forest District 10, Sproul State Forest Bald Eagle and Grugan Townships, Clinton County, Pennsylvania The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the overlay of an existing trail and parking area as well as minor grading and installation of piping for stormwater mitigation. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000 - $100,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Rehabilitate District Office Parking Lot Forest District 13, Elk State Forest Shippen Township, Cameron County, Pennsylvania This project involves the rehabilitation of an asphalt parking lot, including pothole repairs, milling of the existing asphalt parking lot to 1 ½” depth, repaving with 9.5mm wearing course at 1 ½” thickness, applying new pavement markings, and constructing an adjacent aggregate parking area with 2A limestone. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000 - $100,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Lower Campground Paving Kettle Creek State Park Leidy Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania This project will consist of full depth bituminous pavement reconstruction and bituminous wearing course overlays for the roadways, parking areas and campsite spurs in the Lower Campground at Kettle Creek State Park in Clinton County. Additional work will include subgrade repairs, drainage structure replacement and the installation of new drainage structures. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Pavement Rehabilitation of Multiple Roadways Forest District 20, Loyalsock State Forest Hillsgrove and Shrewsbury Townships Sullivan County, Pennsylvania The project will install a 1.5-inch asphalt wearing course on approximately 3.5 miles of High Knob Road and a 2.5-inch asphalt base course topped with a 1.5-inch asphalt wearing course on about 0.1 mile of Mill Creek Road. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $500,000 - $1,000,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Park Office and Maintenance Area Paving Chapman Dam State Park Pleasant Township, Warren County, Pennsylvania This project will consist of full depth bituminous pavement reconstruction and new bituminous paving for the driveways and parking areas of the Park Office and Maintenance Facility at Chapman Dam State Park in Warren County. Additional work will include the regrading of parking areas, sidewalk removal, underdrain construction, drainage structure replacement and the installation of new drainage structures. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
Stable Lodge Road Paving Keystone State Park Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of reconstruction of existing roadways on Stable Lodge Rd. in the Keystone State Park campground. The work includes 3,940 SY milling asphalt pavement, 870 TON 2A stone, 1,200 TON Superpave base course, 1,400 TON Superpave wearing course, 225 LF 24” polymer coated CMP, 1 Type M Inlet, rip rap aprons and erosion and sediment controls. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
04/17/2025 05:00 PM UTC
11 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Lakeside Lodge Septic Lackawanna State Park Benton Township, Lackawanna County Work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the furnishing of all labor, superintendence, materials, tools and equipment, miscellaneous items, and performing all work necessary to complete all construction to the satisfaction of, and subject to the approval of the Department. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $25,000 - $50,000
05/11/2023 06:00 PM UTC
General Construction, Weiser State Forest, RMD Drive and - MB Lot Paving, Forest District 18, Conyngham Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of installation of new paved road on portion of the access roadway to maintenance building and new paved parking area, installation of two (2) culvert pipes, inlets and outlets, construction of ditches/swales, striping of the parking area, concrete slab adjoining the front apron and existing concrete slab of the maintenance building garage as indicated on the Contract Drawings. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
05/11/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Plug and Properly Abandon Orphaned Oil & Gas Wells Northeast Jamison Tract (DGS-196-13, Phase 2) Forest District 14, Cornplanter State Forest Harmony Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania The scope of work for this project is the cleaning out and plugging of 12 oil and gas wells located within the Cornplanter State Forest boundaries, installation of E&S control measures and site restoration as further described in the technical specifications. The list of well identification numbers is as follows: 053-00785, 053-00893, 053-00907, 053-00908, 053-00910, 053-22001, 053-22002, 053-22003, 053-22004, 053-22043, 053-22045, and 053-22046 DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $400,000
04/27/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Demolish Cabin At Jack's Mountain Fire Tower Forest District #5, Rothrock State Forest Cass/Cromwell Township Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania Work performed under this contract shall include, but it not necessarily limited to, the furnishing of all labor, superintendence, materials, tools and equipment, miscellaneous items and performing all work necessary to complete all construction to the satisfaction of, and subject to the approval of, the Department. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $25,000 - $100,000
04/27/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Repairs at Long House Susquehannock State Park Drumore Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of stabilization and protection of the existing James B. Long Home, a c. 1850 two-story stone house at Susquehannock State Park. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $400,000
04/27/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Electrical Construction, Construct Full-Service Campsites Phase II Promised Land State Park Greene Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of design and construction of improvement to existing campsites listed within Northwoods Loop “B” of the park campground, including installation of electric. The design documents shall conform with the DCNR campsite standards as conditions allow. Work to be performed consists of all labor, material, equipment, layout, disposal, and other incidental costs. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - 400,000
04/27/2023 06:00 AM UTC
Mechanical Construction, Rehabilitate Organized Group Camps Laurel Hill State Park Jefferson & Middlecreek Townships, Somerset County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of selective demolition, rehab and repairs to various structures within Group Camp 8 and Group Camp 1. Work includes but is not limited to mechanical exhaust system demolition and installation; new commercial kitchen exhaust systems; and miscellaneous mechanical ventilation work. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate:$50,000 - $100,000
04/20/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Electrical Construction, McConnell Hall Rehabilitation State Park/Forest: Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center Camru Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of demolition of some existing interior light fixtures, replacing exterior light fixtures and adding new some new, replacing some electrical wiring and running new circuits, replacing lighting controls, replacing emergency lighting, replacing hand dryers, updating the existing electrical panel, replacing some light bulbs, and replacing a couple of receptacles DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $25,000 - $50,000
04/20/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Structure Replacement, Bridge No. 6451-7502, Charles Bailey Trail Over UNT to East Branch White Clay Creek White Clay Creek Preserve London Britain Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of all site work to suit project preparation, execution and completion. This includes demolition of existing stone masonry abutments of the washed out structure. It will be replaced with a precast concrete box culvert with an 8-foot useable trail width. Replacement at structure will also include driving surface aggregate, rock lining, and timber split rail fence. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $400,000
03/30/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Structure Replacement, Bridge No. 6435-1400, Rockport Rd. Over Buck Mountain Creek Lehigh Gorge State Park Lehigh Township, Carbon County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of demolition of an existing structure on Rockport Road over Buck Mountain Creek (#13-7935-6435-1400), consisting of a 30’-0” single span concrete encased steel I-beam bridge with concrete headwalls. It will be replaced with a single span precast spread box beam bridge and reinforced concrete wings and headwalls with a 28 foot clear roadway width, 53 foot span and 4.8 foot underclearance. Replacement includes bituminous pavement, guiderail, rock lining, and architectural surface treatment SDB Participation Goal: 20% VBE Participation Goal: 3% Engineer's Estimate: Over $1 Million
03/30/2023 06:00 PM UTC
151 - 160 of 162 Solicitations
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