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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

400 Market St, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2301
(717) 783-0190

Bureau of Facility Design and Construction
For general questions please email us at  For project specific questions the question must be asked via the Q&A Section in the Project Advertisement on Bid Express.

Standard Documents

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0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
**PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 1:00 P.M.** Little Pine Residence Well 2024 Little Pine State Park Gallagher Township, Clinton County, Pennsylvania Install and develop one (1) new well for domestic drinking water use with a sustainable household yield and connect to the existing storage, treatment, and distribution system. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
12/19/2024 06:00 PM UTC
**PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 1:00 P.M.** Lock 13 Bridge Wingwall Repairs Delaware Canal State Park Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania The work included reconstruction, in kind, of two sections of stone wall. The walls shall be taken down and reconstructed using the existing stone recovered from the demolition along with supplemental stone as needed. The length and approximate height of the walls to be rebuilt are as follows: Lock #13 Bridge - Northwest wingwall (lock wall) 10’ of mortared stone wall 13’ high Lock #13 Bridge - Southeast wingwall 15’ of mortared and dry-laid stone wall 8’-12’ high DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000 - $100,000
01/09/2025 06:00 PM UTC
**PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 1:00 P.M.** Construct Woven Wire Deer Fencing Forest District #10, Sproul State Forest Beech Creek, Noyes, and Burnside Townships Clinton and Centre Counties, Pennsylvania The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the installation of woven wire deer fences including gates at specifically designated locations in the Forest Districts located within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
01/09/2025 06:00 PM UTC
**PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 1:00 P.M.** Construct Woven Wire Deer Fencing Forest District #12, Tiadaghton State Forest McHenry, Brown, and Cummings Townships Lycoming County, Pennsylvania The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the installation of woven wire deer fences including gates at specifically designated locations in the Forest Districts located within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
01/09/2025 06:00 PM UTC
**PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 1:00 P.M.** Construct Woven Wire Deer Fencing Forest District #15 & #16 Susquehannock and Tioga State Forests Wharton and Morris Townships Potter and Tioga Counties, Pennsylvania The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the installation of woven wire deer fences including gates at specifically designated locations in the Forest Districts located within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
01/09/2025 06:00 PM UTC
5 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Electrical Construction King's Gap Environmental Education Center Dickinson Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of the electrical construction of the water tank replacement. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000 - $100,000
07/13/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Project Name: Electrical Construction, McConnell Hall Rehabilitation State Park/Forest: Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center Township/County: Camru Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania Project Description Work included under this contract consists of demolition of some existing interior light fixtures, replacing exterior light fixtures and adding new some new, replacing some electrical wiring and running new circuits, replacing lighting controls, replacing emergency lighting, replacing hand dryers, updating the existing electrical panel, replacing some light bulbs, and replacing a couple of receptacles. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $25,000 - $50,000
07/06/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Dam Control Tower, Masonry Veneer Repair Cowans Gap State Park Todd Township, Fulton County Work included under this contract consists of the restoration of stone masonry veneer where sections of stone masonry walls exhibit loose stones, or missing stones and preparing and repoints joints in the stone masonry veneer as shown on the contract drawings. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $50,000 - $100,000
06/22/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Force Main Replacement LS7 Moraine State Park Muddy Creek Township, Butler County Work included under this contract consists of the complete construction of replacing an existing sewer force main connection between the lift station 7 and manhole #433 with approximately 2,100 L.F. of 8” DR-11 HDPE pipe PE4710. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $500,000
06/22/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Roadway Rehabilitations Promised Land State Park The work of this project will take place along Pickerel Point Road, North Shore Road and Ridgefield Point Road in Promised Land State Park located in Blooming Grove, Greene and Palmyra Townships, Pike County. Work included under this contract includes the full depth reclamation and repaving of approximately 1.1 miles of Pickerel Point Road, and the replacement of seven (7) existing culvert pipes and restoration of the ditch lines along the side of the road for storm water drainage improvements. Work also includes asphalt base repairs and installation of an asphalt wearing course along approximately 3 miles of North Shore Road and 0.4 miles of Ridgefield Road, and the rehabilitation of the Ridgefield Road over Big Inlet bridge. SDB Participation Goal: 0% VBE Participation Goal: 0% Engineer's Estimate: Over $1 Million
06/08/2023 06:00 PM UTC
General Construction, Install Electric Dam Gate Operators and Generator Lyman Run State Park West Branch Township, Potter County, Pennsylvajia 1. Work included under this contract consists of the complete construction and installation work for the following: a. Structural underwater inspection of water structures consisting of drawdown structure, upstream conduit, control tower, labyrinth spillway weir, and stilling basin. Work will also consist of design and installing a bulkhead in underwater conditions at the inlet structure after inspection of the inlet is completed. b. Remove and replace both upstream and downstream sluice gate stems in the control tower that are a part of the sluice gate system. c. Install two new electric operators and actuators sufficient enough to open the existing 96” sluice gates upstream and downstream in the control tower. d. Provide services of a Rodney Hunt and Rotork representative or approved equal to adjust the wedges of the sluice gate and set up the settings of the operators to run properly using the generator in FDC- 115-103057.4 contract. e. Have the contracted divers remove bulkhead after all work is completed and approved. SDB Participation Goal: 13% VBE Participation Goal: 3% Engineer's Estimate: $400,000 - $1 Million
06/01/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Electrical Construction Lyman Run State Park West Branch Township, Potter County, Pennsylvania The work under this project consists of providing a mobile generator system, generator interface kiosk with quick-connect disconnect switch, manual transfer switch, and actuator disconnect switches at Control Tower on the Dam at Lyman Run State Park. Work shall include all wiring and conduit, and utilization and demonstration of the mobile generator system in operating the gate actuators at the end of construction for start-up, training, and commissioning purposes. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $400,000
06/01/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Stream and Pedestrian Bridge Restoration Caledonia State Park Green and Franklin Townships, Franklin and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of restoring four (4) pedestrian bridges and restoration activities of two (2) streams. DGS Small Business Certification Required Engineer's Estimate: $100,000 - $400,000
06/01/2023 06:00 PM UTC
Dam Repairs Parker Dam State Park Huston Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania Work included under this contract consists of the complete construction and installation work for the following: a. Dewatering: 1. All dewatering activities required, partial drawdown of fivefoot (5’) of the normal pool elevation of the reservoir. b. E&S: 1. Implementation, maintenance, and removal of erosion and sedimentation control measures. c. Pressure pointing (7360 square feet): 1. Pressure Pointing of surfaces of the existing masonry structures listed below. a. Primary spillway east wall, floor, and west abutment wall b. Primary spillway vertical wall into stilling basin c. Upstream end of the west wing wall of the auxiliary spillway. d. Upstream east wing wall of the primary spillway. e. Control tower from normal pool elevation down 2 ft in elevation d. Fiberglass Staff Gauge: 1. Remove existing staff gauge and install a fiberglass staff Contract No. FDC-117-103234.1 SUMMARY OF WORK 01010-2 gauge to the main spillway wall upstream of the spillway. e. Stone Masonry Work (125 Square Feet): 1. Displaced hand laid stone on the upstream side of the dam must be reset to original location. a. Located on auxiliary spillway wing wall on the upstream side of the dam. b. Located between the control tower and bridge abutment. f. Concrete Spall Repair (770 cubic inches): 1. Repair cracked and spalled concrete along the walls located inside the control tower. The work will consist of the following listed below. a. Spall repairs located above the 5 ft drawdown mark. b. Spall repairs are located underwater that will need to be completed by divers. g. Excavating, Backfill, and Compacting (109 Cubic Feet): 1. Repair the ground under the stone masonry work located between the control tower and bridge SDB Participation Goal: 5% VBE Participation Goal: 3% Engineer's Estimate: $400,000 - $1 Million
06/01/2023 06:00 PM UTC
General Construction, Shower House Replacement, Phase 1 and Full Service Campsites Locust Lake State Park Ryan Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania This contract shall include all general construction work complete as depicted and defined on the contract drawings and as specified in these contract specifications. Main items of work consist essentially of, but are not limited to the following: a. Clearing and grubbing of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. b. Excavation, trenching, backfill, and compaction work required for new general, plumbing, and electrical construction work. c. Rough and finish grading. d. Construction of roadway and parking areas. e. Construction of stone and asphalt spurs, aggregate campsite living areas and tent pads. f. Signage, striping and relocation of wheel stops. g. Subsurface stone basins and rain gardens. h. Storm Sewer piping, domed risers, inlets and outlet structures. i. Domestic Water and Sanitary sewer piping related to exterior improvements. j. Wood fence k. Rock construction fencing, silt socks, and inlet protection. l. Construction of concrete and asphalt sidewalks. m. Seeding, mulching, and landscaping. n. Structure Demolition of Existing Showerhouses 1 and 3. o. Construction of new Showerhouses 1 and 3 including concrete footings and piers; concrete masonry unit (cmu) foundations; ground face cmu walls with insulation fill; reinforced cmu shear walls grouted solid; interior sloping reinforced concrete slab on grade floors; exterior reinforced concrete slab on grade with perimeter turndowns; wood shear wall extension panels; structural steel columns; common wood trusses; and miscellaneous rough carpentry and sheathing. p. Showerhouses 1 and 3 Building Envelope: Fiber cement siding and trim; building insulation and vapor barrier; thin stone veneer with cut stone base and water table; asphalt shingle roof; steel doors and frames; and aluminum windows. q. Showerhouses 1 and 3 Building Finishes, Specialties and Furnishings: Gypsum wall board; PVC panel ceilings, resinous floors; ceramic tile shower walls and floors; interior and exterior painting; solid surface countertops and integral sinks; exterior stainless-steel counters with integrated sinks; toilet and shower partitions; and toilet accessories. r. Department instruction and training. SDB Participation Goal 9% VBE Participation Goal 3% Engineer's Estimate: Over $1 Million
05/25/2023 06:00 PM UTC
101 - 110 of 127 Solicitations
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