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Milwaukee County

633 W Wisconsin Ave SUITE 1000, Milwaukee, WI 53203-1918
(414) 278-4861

Welcome to Milwaukee County’s online public works bidding website. Please take a moment to review upcoming solicitations.

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Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
WO0643012 War Memorial Center Flood Mitigation
The Project includes construction services to decouple the existing sewer connection. A new vault will be installed to house 4 stormwater pumps that will connect to an existing manhole located to the south. Project will include all associated plumbing and electrical work to ensure the new system runs properly. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held 12/20/2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the: War Memorial Center 750 North Lincoln Memorial Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53202. Plan to meet at Lower-Level, North Entrance near the security desk.
01/22/2025 08:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Project consists of replacing existing Performing Arts Center Roof as indicated on Contract bidding documents.
04/27/2022 07:00 PM UTC
WH0110012 W. Beloit Rd (CTH T) S. 124th St to S Wollmer Rd Highway Reconditioning
The work under this contract shall consist of removing asphaltic surface milling, removing concrete surface partial depth, grading, base aggregate dense, rubblizing, pulverize and relay, HMA pavement, concrete curb & gutter, guardrail, erosion control, permanent signing, pavement marking, traffic control, storm sewer construction including structures adjustment and reconstruction, structure concrete surface repair and sealing joints, traffic signals, landscaping, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract. This project is part of the Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP).
04/20/2022 07:00 PM UTC
P538-19607 Root River Parkway Reconstruction- S 92nd St. & Parking lot
Work of the Project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement new concrete curb and gutter, bio-filtration basins, lighting, turf restoration, and pavement marking as indicated in the project Bid documents. Enter the official advertisement scope here.
03/30/2022 07:00 PM UTC
V021-20137: Oak Creek Streambank Stabilization
Work of the Project includes construction services for the streambank stabilization solution along the Oak Creek streambank as indicated in the project Bid documents.
03/16/2022 07:00 PM UTC
Contract 1: Parking Lot Repavement Work of the Project includes milling the existing asphalt pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement. Also includes installation of tent tie downs, replacement of concrete curb and gutter, new concrete pavement and pavement marking as indicated in the project Bid documents.
03/09/2022 08:00 PM UTC
P625-20142 & V038-20073 Dretzka Parking Lot & Gravity Sanitary Sewer Extension
Dretzka Golf Clubhouse parking lot replacement; partial access drive replacement; new concrete curb & gutter; drainage/storm sewers; lighting; water mains, and landscaping. Installing gravity sanitary sewer to replace current sanitary system. Then abandoning sanitary sewer lift station, manholes, and force main. Substantial Completion Date: August 19, 2022 Optional Pre-Bid Meeting: Online Team’s Meeting on February 1st, 10AM Email for invite. Optional Site Walk Through: Dretzka Park Golf Club House on January 31th, 10AM
03/02/2022 08:00 PM UTC
5051-22610 High Voltage Testing 5-yr Service Contract
Service Agreement 1. High Voltage Maintenance
02/25/2022 08:00 PM UTC
T078-20074 MCTS KK Garage Bus Storage Building Roof Replacement
Contract 1: Roof Replacement Project consists of replacing existing Performing Arts Center Roof as indicated on Contract bidding documents.
02/23/2022 08:00 PM UTC
T149- 20219 Fond du Lac Transportation Building Roof Replacement (Extended)
Contract 1: Roof Replacement Project consists of replacing existing Performing Arts Center Roof as indicated on Contract bidding documents.
02/17/2022 08:00 PM UTC
T128-20218 KK Bus Garage Employee Parking Lot
Contract 1: Parking Lot Repavement Work of the Project includes milling the existing pavement, re-grading, and providing new asphalt pavement. Also includes chain-link fence and beam guard replacement as indicated in the project Bid documents .
02/16/2022 08:00 PM UTC
141 - 150 of 282 Solicitations
1 2 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 28 29