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Milwaukee County

633 W Wisconsin Ave SUITE 1000, Milwaukee, WI 53203-1918
(414) 278-4861

Welcome to Milwaukee County’s online public works bidding website. Please take a moment to review upcoming solicitations.

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
WC0227 Milwaukee County Courthouse Elevator Modernization
The elevators in the Milwaukee County Courthouse need to be modernized. This project addresses the modernization of 13 elevators. The Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting is on Monday, 02/24/25 from 10:00am - 12:00pm at 901 N 9th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233 Room G1. Pre-Registration is Required. for this meeting. Please contact Martina Foss Ashworth at to register. Project Contact: Martina Foss Ashworth Contact Email:
03/27/2025 07:00 PM UTC
1 Solicitation

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Service Agreement for High Voltage Maintenance
Service Agreement 1. High Voltage Maintenance
04/21/2021 07:00 PM UTC
5739-21406-01 County Grounds - Roofing
Contract 1, Roofing
04/21/2021 07:00 PM UTC
5725-21422 Service Agreement for Card Access
Service Agreement 1. Card Access Service and Maintenance
04/21/2021 07:00 PM UTC
V047-20136 - Milwaukee County Froemming Park Water & Sewer Upgrade
Contract 1: Abandon existing water supply well and install new water service from municipality and abandon existing holding tank and install gravity sanitary sewer system. Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and other services necessary for abandoning the existing water supply well and associated equipment, installing new water service from municipality, abandoning existing holding tank and installing gravity sanitary sewer system and restoration of construction disturbed property as specified. Pre-Bid Meeting: One Pre-bid meeting will take place on April 12, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. Meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Email Project Manager, Tim Detzer at for a link to the meeting.
04/21/2021 07:00 PM UTC
MTS Bid 2020-26
BRT Construction Services pursuant to specifications found in the bidding documents. PRIME CONTRACTORS SHALL BE QUALIFIED PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 43 OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY ORDINANCE. Before bidding please check with the Director of Materials Management that you are qualified. For Bid questions please email the Director of Materials Management, Stephanie Baker, at Pre-Bid Mtg: Pre-Bid Meeting (Mandatory for Prime): February 25, 2021 @ 9:00 AM The meeting will be virtual. Participants can join using MS Teams link provided in document under the ATTACHMENT LIST titled ‘1.1_FrontEnd_210219.pdf’. Bidders shall submit the completed Subcontractor-Supplier Information Entry with the Bid. Failure to submit this information with Bid may result in rejection of the Bid as nonresponsive.
04/16/2021 07:00 PM UTC
T106-20099 & T109-20097: KK Maintenance Building & Hillside Maintenance Building
Contract 1: Bus Lift Replacement Work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and other services necessary for the removal and replacement of hydraulic in-ground bus lifts. Contract does not include new bus lift equipment from Vendor or actual placement of new lift, those items/services will be secured through Milwaukee County Procurement Office. Pre-Meeting: One Pre-bid meeting will take place on April 7, 2021 at 10:00 A.M., meet at MCTS, Hillside Maintenance Building, 1525 W. Vine Street, Milwaukee, WI. Meetings will be conducted in small groups. Masks, Health Screenings and Social Distancing are required.
04/14/2021 07:00 PM UTC
S128-20169: Wilson Park Senior Center Boiler & Exhaust Fan Replacement
Contract 1: Boiler & Exhaust Fan Replacement Project consists of adding a new high efficiency boiler to the Senior Center along with replacing exhaust fans and associated HVAC work as indicated on Contract Bidding Documents. One MANDATORY Pre-bid meeting will take place on March 10, 2021, meet at Wilson Park Senior Center, 2601 W. Howard Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. Meetings will be conducted in small groups. Masks, Health Screenings, and Social Distancing are required. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE WILL RESULT IN BID BEING REJECTED AS NON RESPONSIVE. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT SPECIAL QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION WITH BID. SEE DOCUMENT 00200- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, ARTICLE 16.
04/07/2021 07:00 PM UTC
WH010062 W. Layton Ave (CTH Y) S. 43rd St. to S. 27th St.
Contract 1: Highway Reconstruction Contract Description: The work under this contract consists of concrete paving, HMA paving, concrete sidewalk installation, curb & gutter construction, traffic control, storm sewer construction, storm sewer structures adjustment and reconstruction, traffic signals, street lighting conduit and base installation, signing and pavement marking, landscaping, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract. This project is part of the Local Roads Improvement Program.
04/07/2021 07:00 PM UTC
P484-15619: Historic Lake Park Ravine Bridge over Ravine Road
Contract 1: Bridge Rehabilitation Work consists of bridge rehabilitation of historic concrete Lake Park Arch Bridge over Ravine Road. Existing bridge shall be rehabilitated as indicated on project bidding documents. Pre-Bid Meeting (Non-Mandatory): March 11, 2021 at 10:00 A.M., meet at Lake Park Marcia Coles Community Room at Lake Park Pavilion, 3133 E. Newberry Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53211. Meetings will be conducted in small groups. Masks, Health Screening, and Social Distancing are required. Contractor shall complete the affidavit of Non-Collusion that is part of the Bid Form confirming that the bidder has not engaged in any collusion related to the bidding of the project. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT SPECIAL QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION WITH BID. SEE DOCUMENT 00200- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, ARTICLE 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN PROJECT BID SUBMITTAL OF COVID-19 SAFETY PROTOCOL WHEN NOTIFIED AS APPARENT LOW BIDDER. SEE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS LISTED IN INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.
03/24/2021 07:00 PM UTC
S127-20168: Kelly Senior Center and Nutrition Building Boiler Replacement
Contract 1: Boiler Installation Project consists of replacing existing Boilers as indicated on Contract bidding documents. One MANDATORY Pre-bid meeting will take place on March 10, 2021, at 11:30 a.m., meet at Kelly Senior Center Building, 6100 South Lake Drive, Cudahy, WI. Meetings and site walk through will be conducted in small groups. Masks, Health Screenings, and Social Distancing are required. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE WILL RESULT IN BID BEING REJECTED AS NON-RESPONSIVE. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT SPECIAL QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION WITH BID. SEE DOCUMENT 00200- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.
03/24/2021 07:00 PM UTC
191 - 200 of 289 Solicitations
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